date of when louis XIV was born -
Louis XIV crowned and consecrated at Rheims
Louis XIV takes part in war against Spain on northern, north-eastern and eastern frontiers of France -
Birth of Louis, dauphin of France/ Tax gathering
Birth of Louis' first illegitimate child. Tax gathering by tax-fanners introduced experiment ally -
hospital services
Charles II sells Dunkirk (which Cromwell had won from Spain with French help) to Louis XIV for five million francs.
Institution of hospital services throughout France. boulonnais peasant revolt. -
Treaty of Dover
French factory established at Magilipatam (India).
French preferential duties aimed at Dutch sugar refineries.
Dutch virtual boycott of French goods -
Dutch war
Dutch war, beginning with French invasion of the territory of the Republic and developing into a general war -
Louis XIV's illness and final arrangements for the governorship and education of his heir, his great-grandson Louis