220px louis xiv lebrunl

Louis XIV of France

  • Louis is born

    Louis is born
    King Louis XIV was born in Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye.
  • Father dies

    Father dies
    Due to his fathers death, Louis becomes next in line for the thrown at age 5.
  • Married Maria Theresa of Spain

    Married Maria Theresa of Spain
    Louis and Maria are married at the church of Saint Jean the Baptist in Saint-Jean-de-Luz.
  • Had six children with Marie.

    Had six children with Marie.
    Only one of the six kids lived to adulthood.
  • Mazarin dies

    Mazarin dies
    Mazarin died in Vincennes, France on March 9th.
  • Louis Mother dies

    Anne of Austria died in Paris, France on January 20th.
  • War of Devolution

    The war of Devolution was a war started over land territories in the Spanish Netherlands.
  • Moved into Palace of Versailles.

    The Palace of Versailles had 700 rooms and more than 2,000 windows.
  • Maria dies

    King Louis' first wife Maria dies at age 44.
  • Married Madame de Maintenon

    Louis secretly married Madame de Maintenon shortly after his first wives death.
  • War of the Spanish Succession

    War of the Spanish Succession starts after the death of Charles II who had no children of his own.
  • Louis dies

    King Louis dies in the Palace of Versailles.