Louis XIV

  • Birth of Louis XIV

    Birth of Louis XIV
  • Death of Louis XIV's Father

    Death of Louis XIV's Father
    The kings death left a 4yr old Louis XIV that was unstable and fractured to take the crown. Thankfully, the will of his father was annulled and a council was able to rule until Louis XIV was of a ruling age.
  • The Fronde

    The Fronde
    A civil war sparked by a rebellion against French government that forced Louis XIV to flee France at 9 years old. The rebellion caused a distrust and resentment of nobles that Louis XIV would carry throughout his life.
  • First Marriage

    First Marriage
    Louis XIV's first wife was a women named Marie-Therese. The marriage was more for political gain then romance but nonetheless the two had six children together.
  • Supporting The Arts

    Supporting The Arts
    Louis XIV had a passion for art as a whole. He was a large influence in promoting the popularity of ballet and opera in France. Louis XIV even founded a ballet academy called the Académie Royale de Danse.
  • Death of Cardinal Marazin

    Death of Cardinal Marazin
    Cardinal Marazin was the Chief Minister for Louis XIV. While he was alive, he had a fair amount of power and was part of many decisions in the governing of France. But when he died, Louis XIV did not want anyone to replace Marazin and deemed himself his own Chief Minister. This led to Louis XIV becoming even more of an absolute ruler and monarch.
  • Named "Sun King"

    Named "Sun King"
    Louis XIV took in the sun as his symbol of power. Louis XIV believed that God himself appointed him as king and that the name "Sun King" was justified because of his divine right theory.
  • Period: to

    War of Devolution

    Louis XIV invaded the Spanish Netherlands to claim more land and increase power. The war lasted a year and ended with France controlling a few towns in Flanders. This conquest fueled later invasions and was the beginning of many wars that Louis XIV would take part in.
  • Palace of Versailles

    Palace of Versailles
    Louis XIV constructed the palace of Versailles and moved his court and government into the palace. He did this in hope to distance himself from the central population of Paris and to extract power from the nobles by removing them from the city and into the palace.
  • Maria Theresa Death

    Maria Theresa Death
    At age 45 Marie Theresa died of a sudden illness. Louis XIV felt that her death humiliated him.
  • Second Marriage

    Second Marriage
    After the death of his first wife, Louis XIV did not want to marry another foreign women. Instead, he married Madame de Maintenon who was one of his many mistresses.
  • The Royal Fistula Operation

    The Royal Fistula Operation
    Louis XIV suffered from a fistula in his backside starting in January of 1686. There was lots of swelling and pain that caused Louis XIV to have trouble sitting down and limited his ability to rule effectively. In November of the same year, a surgeon by the name of Monsieur Felix performed the operation that would heal the king.
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    Nine Years' War

    A Grand Alliance of other European countries was formed to combat France because of how powerful the French had become. A war broke out between the Grand Alliance, also called the League of Augsburg, and the French.
  • Death of Louis XIV

    Death of Louis XIV
    Louis died 4 days before turning 77. He died of gangrene.