Louis XIV

  • Born

    Louis XIV was born in Saint- Germaine-en Laye, France to the King of France and the Queen Anne of Austria.
  • Period: to

    1st Marrage

    Louis XIV gets married to his first cousin Marie- Therese
  • Brother Philippe Born

    Brother Philippe Born
    Day younger brother Philippe was born.
  • Becomes King of France

    Becomes King of France
    After his father dies, Louis takes the thrown at the age of 4. Due to his young age,Chief Minister Cardinal Jules Mazarin made all the major decisions.
  • Mazarin Died

    Mazarin Died
    Chief minister Cardinal Jules Mazarin dies.
  • Takes Control of Thrown

    Takes Control of Thrown
    After the Death of Chief Minister Cardinal Jules Martin, Louis XIV takes true power of the crown.
  • Son is Born

    Son is Born
    1st born Louis, Dauphin of France is born
  • Period: to

    Failed Pregnentcies

    Louis tries to have 5 more children, non of which make it to adulthood.
  • 1st Wife Dies

    1st Wife Dies
  • 2nd Marriage

    2nd Marriage
    Louis XIV marries his illegitimate children's governess, Marquise de Maintenon. They had a private ceremony.
  • Death

    At the age of 76, Louis XIV dies of gangrene.