Louis XIV

  • Louis XIV's Birth

  • Louis XIV's Birth

  • Louis XIV succeeds father

    Louis XIV succeeds father
    Louis's father died, making him the heir to the throne.
  • Near Death

    Rejected as a child and almost drowned because of a lack of supervision from the servants who had to care for him because his parents weren't around.
  • Cardinal Mazarin rose against Louis

    Cardinal Mazarin rose against Louis
    The idea of rebellion made Louis XIV hate nobles, the common people, of France.
  • Of Age to Rule

    Louis grows to be the age to inherit the throne
  • Marries Maria Teresa

    Marries Maria Teresa
    Louis marries Maria Teresa of Spain
  • Mazarin Dying

    Cardinal Mazarin dies, leaving Louis as the sole ruler of France.
  • Mistress

    The woman is Louise de La Vallère
  • Louis the Dauphin is born

    Louis the Dauphin is born
    Maria gives birth to their first son, also named Louis.
  • Louis' Mother Dies

    The Queen, Anne, dies
  • A second affair

    Louis has another affair with Madame de Maintenon
  • Louis XIV becomes a grandfather

    Louis XIV becomes a grandfather
    Louis has a grandson, Louis, Duke of Burgundy.
  • Second Wife

    Maria Teresa dies, making Madame de Maintenon his new wife.
  • Great Grandfather

    A great grandson, Louis, Duke of Brittany, is born
  • Louis XIV's Death

  • Louis XIV's Death