Louis David Riel was born near what is now Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on October 22, 1844. In 1869, the Métis revolted against the transfer of their territories from the Hudson's Bay Company to the Dominion of Canada, and Louis Riel was their leader -
A Chronology of Events in the Life of Louis Riel 1844 - 1885
Louis Riel was born in the Red River area.
185 Archbishop Taché sends Riel and three others to Lower Canada to be educated for the priesthood. Riel is 14 years old.
1864 – 1866 Upon death of his father in 1864, Riel withdraws from college to work and support his family -
red river area.
When the settelers came to the red river area. by the time the Metis people were there. there was a big misunderstand between the Metis and the settelrs -
1931 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal,