Louis Pasteur

  • When Louis Pasteur was born

    When Louis Pasteur was born
    Louis Pasteur was born on December 27, 1822 in Dole, France. Pasteur's father, Jean-Joseph Pasteur was a tanner and major sergeant decorated with the Legion of Honor award during the Napoleonic Wars. Pasteur's father was a major influence to him and this instilled a very powerful sense of patriotism within him at an early age. Louis Pasteur's birth started his major impact on the world through his scientific discoveries and passion to make the world better.(www.britannica.com)
  • American System

    American System
    The American System was based on ideas of Alexander Hamilton and created by Henry Clay following the War of 1812 to help stabilize the country. The plan called for a protective tariff made for manufacturing, a new national bank for commerce,and improvements in transportation with canals and railroads. It was a symbol of nationalism and brought improvement. It was significant because it was a government-sponsored program to balance the nation's agriculture,commerce, and industry.(www.quizlet.com)
  • Louis Pasteur early life in school

    Louis Pasteur early life in school
    Pasteur was an average student who loved art and science and knew he wanted to be a chemist. He studied in Arbois, Besancon, and in Ecole Normale, Paris until 1846. His teacher said, "He is the meekest, smallest and least promising pupil in my class" to describe Pasteur and his curiosity. Arbois people told his father "Too bad he's wasting his time on this useless science." This shows that with doubt Pasteur continued his studies and became one of the best scientists of his time.(Thomas 200-202)
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    The Mexican and American War was between Mexicans and the Americans in a dispute over the boundaries on the border they shared. The war was started by President James K. Polk who wanted to expand and sent troops to the border to attack. The war lasted two years ending by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. America won Utah, California, Arizona, and Texas. The war gave officers experience and helped fulfill America's "manifest destiny" to expand their territory across the continent.(www.quizlet.com)
  • Louis Pasteur works on crystallography and on optical activity.

    Louis Pasteur works on crystallography and on optical activity.
    Louis Pasteur was a chemist studying organic compounds in Ecole Normale for Professor Laurent. Crystallography is the study of the forms and the structures of chemical crystals. His research on crystallography, chemistry and optics showed that a crystal's shape, molecular structure and effect on polarized light are related. Pasteur found new chemical compounds and his crystallographic studies started his scientific career leading to his discoveries in molecular asymmetry.(https://explorable.com)
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The Gold Rush started with James Wilson Marshall who found flakes of gold in the American River in Coloma, California. The news spread quickly of the gold nuggets in Sacramento and thousands of miners traveled by sea or land to San Francisco and other areas. $2 billion worth of metal was found. The event peaked in 1852 and led to growth in California's population density, integrating California's economy into eastern United States and it brought many workers in to California.(www.infoplease.com)
  • Louis Pasteur discovered the existence of molecular asymmetry

    Louis Pasteur discovered the existence of molecular asymmetry
    Pasteur compared the original two types of tartaric acid, an organic compound, seen in 1844. One turned the plane of transmitted light to the right, while the other produced no effect. His crystallographic studies on tartaric acid showed that the inactive crystals were symmetrical and the active crystals were asymmetrical. The polarization effect depended on the asymmetrical crystals. His discoveries of molecular symmetry were the basis for the new science of stereochemistry.(www.britannica.com)
  • Louis Pasteur helps to create the germ theory and reasearched fermentation

    Louis Pasteur helps to create the germ theory and reasearched fermentation
    Pasteur's Germ Theory stated that germs or microbes caused illness. The original theories were spontaneous generation and miasmas or bad air. He also spent time on lactic and alcoholic fermentation, investigating the production of lactic acid that soured milk and on butyric acid. He showed that living organisms participated in fermentation and that a specific organism was associated. This led to the germ theory of fermentation and our understanding of rotting and diseases.(www.britannica.com)
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The U.S Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, introduced by Senator Stephan Douglas. It organized the remaining territory acquired in the Louisiana Purchase to be admitted to the Union as states. It allowed people to decide on slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska territories repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 that prohibited northern slavery. The act led to violence in Kansas over slavery becoming known as "Bloody Kansas." This pushed the country closer to the Civil War.(www.quizlet.com)
  • Louis Pasteur's work with spontaneous generation

    Louis Pasteur's work with spontaneous generation
    Pasteur's fermentation studies rejected the spontaneous generation theory, the belief of microbial life arising from inorganic elements or dead organic matter without a living parent. He said that airborne dust carried the germs of yeasts and microorganisms affecting fermentation, kept away, liquids could be preserved. His tests with grapes, fermentable solutions, guncotton and swan-neck flasks defied the theory. This led to the science bacteriology and the germ theory of disease.(Burton 39-65)
  • Louis Pasteur created the process of pasterization.

    Louis Pasteur created the process of pasterization.
    Louis Pasteur came up with the process of pasteurization. Pasteur discovered that microbes were responsible for souring alcohol, like wine and beer and milk. Pasteurization is the process where bacteria and germs are destroyed by heating beverages and then allowing them to cool. Pasteur was able to convince Europe that this was true through experiments. The people of Europe then knew why their wines and milk were quickly rotting. Louis Pasteur finished his first test April 20, 1860.(Meadows 169)
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War were battles fought between the United States of America or the Northern Union and the Confederate States of America or the Southern Confederation, eleven southern states that left the Union. It started over previous tensions on slavery, states' rights and westward expansion and of differences over the national government's power to prohibit slavery. The war ended in 1865. The Civil War was important because the Union victory allowed for abolishment of U.S slavery.(www.quizlet.com)
  • Louis Pasteur work with silkworms

    Louis Pasteur work with silkworms
    In France, a disease had attacked French silkworm nurseries causing silkworm eggs to no longer be produced. Pasteur traveled to the south of France with no prior knowledge of silkworms and accepted the task asked by the Department of Agriculture to investigate the disease of the silkworm. Soon after, he had isolated the microorganisms causing the diseases called pebrine and flacherie. This work contributed to his interest in diseases and vaccines in animals and humans.(www.britannica.com)
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    A transcontinental railroad is a network of railroad trackage that crosses a land mass with terminals at different oceans or borders. The First Transcontinental Railroad was a 1,912-mile railroad line and connected the eastern U.S. rail network in Omaha, Nebraska and Council Bluffs, Iowa with the Pacific coast at the Oakland Long Wharf on San Francisco Bay. It improved trade and connected the world with a more efficient way of transportation, like in the isolated California.(www.quizlet.com)
  • Louis Pasteur develops vaccines

    Louis Pasteur develops vaccines
    Louis Pasteur discovered many remedies for diseases including antrax, rabies and chicken cholera. He was able to isolate the anthrax bacillus that caused the death of France's sheep and the citizens. He developed a vaccine against rabies or hydrophobia that saved the life of 9-years old Joseph Meister. Rabies attacked the nervous system and it was considered a dreadful disease. Pasteur saved many lives with his vaccines and this research was one of his last before his stroke.(www.britannica.com)
  • Louis Pasteur dies

    Louis Pasteur dies
    Louis Pasteur died at age 77 after a long life as a physicist and chemist, a biologist and a microbiologist. He left a major impact with pasteurization and his research on many topics as the "founder of modern microbiology." He was honored with the Copley Medal, the Albert Medal, the Rumford Medal, the Montyon Medal, and the Leeuwenhoek Medal. Louis Pasteur's stroke ended his future impact on the world. His many medals in his lifetime show his importance and impact around him.(www.biography.com)