Louis was born in Dole, France to Jean Joseph and Jeanne Pasteur. His father was a tanner and a former soldier from Napoleon's army. Louis was the third child out of five (Berger 4). -
Mexico finally becomes a republic after declaring their independence from Spain three years earlier (The Early Republic MexicanHistory.org). If Mexico never became a republic, it would be very different than how it is today. -
Great Potato Famine
In 1846, there was the Great Potato Famine in Ireland which killed millions of people. It was caused by a disease called late blight which destroys the tubers of potatoes. During the famine many people fled Ireland which caused diversity in other countries (Mokyr). -
Upper and Lower Canada Unite
Passed by the British Parliament, The Act of Union united Upper and Lower Canada which created the Province of Canada (Monet). If they Upper and Lower Canada never united, then the problems that were occuring before they united would have grown and would have started to affect other areas besides just Canada (Careless). -
Louis earned his doctarte in sciences from the Ecole Normale in Paris, France. Earning this doctarte gave Louis many job oppurtunities, such as becoming professors at many well known universities (Louis Pasteur Biography). This also proved his father wrong, who thought he wasn't smart enough to attend Ecole Normale (Burton 8). -
Professor of Chemistry
After earning his doctarte from Ecole Normale, Louis became the professor of chemsitry at the Universtiy of Strasburg (Louis Pasteur Biography). At the University of Strasbourg Louis was able to study crystals (Thomas 203). -
Academy of Sciences
Louis appeared before the Academy of Sciences to present part of his findings on crystals called "Pimorphism" (Burton 17). With his findings he discovered that assymetry was a fundamental characteristic of living matter, which helped many scientists later on (Ullmann). -
Professor and Dean of Chemistry
Louis was appointed the Professor of chemistry and Dean of the science faculty at the University of Lille (Berger 7). This was very important because at the University of Lille he was able to begin his studies of fermentaiton in the labs. -
American Civil War
The American Civil War begins, which determined what kind of country the United States was going to be. The war started because the Northern part of America wanted to abolish slavery while the Southern part wanted to keep it. This war decided how the future of the United States was going to be which is very important (McPherson). -
Louis finished his first test on pasteurization (Louis Pasteur Biography). This experiment killed the harmful bacteria in milk, wine, and beer which allowed people to keep their bevarges from becoming bad longer. -
Louis made the first vaccine discovery with chicken chlorea. He demonstrated that chickens became immune to the virus he accidently exposed to them. This later helped devolped vaccines for anthrax, TB, and chlorea (Louis Pastuer Biography). -
Louis cured a boy bitten by a rapid dog with a vaccine. This had never been done before and eventually saved thousands of peoples from rabies. After he cured the boy, Louis became very popular which helped him win more awards and boosted his career (Louis Pastuer Biography). -
Pasteur Institute
The Pasteur Insititue was founded by Louis Pastuer on June 4, 1887 in Paris, France. It's purpose is to study diseases, biology, and micro-organisms. Over the years the Institute has been able to create vaccines for yellow fever and tetanus. It also has isolated HIV and devolped the blood test for AIDS (Noteable Discoveries). -
Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower was built in Paris, France by Gusatve Eiffel to commemorate the 100th years anniversary of the French Revolution. It is now used as a radio signal and a very popular tourist attraction (Eiffel Tower). -
Women's Votes
New Zealand became the first country to allow women to in 1893. This led as an example for the rest of the world to follow. Without this, women still may not be able to vote in some countries (Atkinson). -
Louis died at the age of 72 due to a serious stroke. After his death, his remains were brought to a Neo-Byzantine crypt a the Pasteur Institute (Louis Pasteur Biography).