Louis Braille is born!
On January 4, 1809, Louis Braille is born to Simon-Rene Braille and Monique Braille! -
Louis Braille loses his vision
Louis Braille loses his vision when an infection develops after he pokes himself in the eye with a stiching awl. -
Louis Braille move to the Royal Institude for the blind
Louis Braille moves to the Royal Institute for the blind, he is then taught there for further education! -
Louis is introduced to night writing
Louis is introduced to night writing, he then starts to improve it! -
Louis graduates from the Royal Institute for the blind!
Louis graduates from the Royal Insitute for the blind and becomes a student teacher at the Royal Institute for the blind! -
Louis publishes a book describing how to use his system!
Louis publishes a book describing how to use his system, Braille. In honor of him, Louis Braille! -
Louis exibits his system at the 1834 Paris Expostiton of Industry!
Louis exibits his system at the 1834 Paris Expostiton of Industry! The king watches a performance, but does not show official support! -
Doctors examine Louis and Diagnois him with Tuberculios!
Doctors examine Louis and Diagnois him with Tuberculios! -
Louis invents raphigraphy!
Louis invents raphigraphy, raised dots in the shape of letters! (for better readability for sighted people) -
Louis Braille... dies...
On January 6, 1852, Louis Braille dies. He was 43 years old and died due to Tuberculios!