
Louis Braille

  • When Louis Braille was born

    When Louis Braille was born
    Louis Braille was born in January,4, 1809
  • The accident

    The accident
  • Went to school

    Went to school
    Louis Braille went to a school for blind people
  • He wanted to read and write

    He wanted to read and write
    Louis Braille wanted to raed and write
  • Louise braille Invented a new alphabet

    Louise braille Invented a new alphabet
    Louis Braille Invented the dots with his tools
  • Blind peple could read

    Blind peple could read
    Blind people wher exited to read
  • Louise Braille presented the alphabet

    Louise Braille presented the alphabet
    Louise Braille presented the alphabet
  • Louise Braille Got sick

    Louise Braille Got sick
    Louise Braille got a sickness called Tuberculosis
  • Louise Braille die

    Louise Braille die
    Louise Braille died by his sickness