Lorraine Hansberry's Playwright Timeline

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    Family Members

    Lorraine Hansberry family members were:
    * Carl Augustus Hansberry (father)
    * Nannie Louise Perry (mother)
    * Perry Holloway Hansberry (sister)
    * Mamie Louise Hansberry (sister)
    * Carl Augustus Hansberry Jr. (brother)
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    Lorraine Hansberry Education

    Lorraine Hansberry attended school at Englewood Technical Prep Academy in Chicago, Illinois, The New school in New York, and the University of Wisconsin - Madison in Madison, Wisconsin.
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    Places Lorraine Hansberry Lived

    Lorraine Hansberry lived in Chicago growing up, went to school in Wisconsin, studied painting in Mexico, and moved to New York to start her career.
  • Lorraine Hansberry

    Lorraine Hansberry
    Lorraine Hansberry was a playwright and writer. She was the first African-American female author that had performed on Broadway. Lorraine Hansberry was born on May 19, 1930 in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Historical Event That Impacted Lorraine Hansberry

    Lorraine Hansberry and her family were threatened by a white family which threw a brick through their window aiming at Lorraine Hansberry.
  • Issues Lorraine Hansberry Had To Go Through

    Lorraine Hansberry and her family had issues because of their race. They lived under discrimination and segregation.
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    Lorraine Hansberry Career

    In the University of Wisconsin, Lorraine Hansberry studied drama and stage design. When she went to the school in New York she was a writer and editor. In college, Lorraine Hansberry majored in painting but then changed it to writing. She was interested in theater so then she became a playwright and writer.
  • About Lorraine Hansberry's Writing

    Lorraine Hansberry writings were always about social and racial issues, her voice and her beliefs. She always talked about these things because she wanted to make a change.
  • Lorraine Hansberry Marriage

    Lorraine Hansberry Marriage
    Lorraine Hansberry got married on June 20, 1953. She married Robert Nemiroff.
  • Interesting Facts About Lorraine Hansberry

    Some interesting facts about Lorraine Hansberry were:
    * She was the first African American women to have a
    play produced on Broadway.
    * She was the youngest playwright.
    * She was the first African American winner of the
    prestigious Drama Critic's Circle Award for best play.
  • Lorraine Hansberry Award

    Lorraine Hansberry Award
    The only award Lorraine Hansberry has gotten was New York Drama Critics Circle award because it was for the best American play.
  • Lorraine Hansberry's Achievements

    Lorraine Hansberry was considered one of the greatest females. She reached out to the world with plays and everyone loved her plays. She was always trying to make changes and would support what she believed.
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    Lorraine Hansberry's play's

    Lorraine Hansberry play's were:
    * A Raisin in the Sun
    * The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window
    * Les Blancs
  • Who influenced Hansberry to write

    Lorraine Hansberry wasn't influenced by specific people but she was influenced by personal experiences which got her to write and then publish her writing.
  • A Raisin in the Sun

    A Raisin in the Sun
    A Raisin in the Sun was a play about a lower class family that struggled with money and wanted to accomplish their dreams but at some point their race became a problem. After their father's death, they received money which causes intense disagreements over who should get it and what they should do with it.
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    Important productions

    A Raisin in the Sun was produced on March 11, 1959 and it was important because it changed American theatre. The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window was produced on October 15, 1964. Les Blancs was produced on November 15, 1970 and it was important because it was about colonialism.
  • Lorraine Hansberry Goals and Success

    Lorraine Hansberry goal was to change society for the better. She stood up for who she was. She was successful because her work is important to the world today. Although she did pass away, she left a mark on the world.
  • Lorraine Hansberry's Health Issues

    Lorraine Hansberry was first stricken with pancreatic cancer at the age 32. She was in and out of hospitals.
  • Lorraine Hansberry Interest

    Lorraine Hansberry interests were playwright, essayist, and civil right activists. She always had an interest for all of these. She was into theater, playwright, and civil right activist the most. They all connected, with being a civil right activists, she got to tell her stories, with being a playwright she got to show her plays.
  • The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window

    The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window
    The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window was a play about a man who has pitfalls within his personal life and struggles in the Bohemian culture. It mainly focuses on a man who is trying to cope with life.
  • Lorraine Hansberry Death

    Lorraine Hansberry Death
    Lorraine Hansberry died on January 12, 1965 because of pancreatic cancer at the age 34.
  • Les Blancs

    Les Blancs
    Les Blancs was a play about the experience of an American journalist, settlers, and natives in which they are in a unnamed African country with warning days of colonist control.