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Lorenzo De’ Medici

  • Jan 1, 1449


    Lorenzo de’Medici born, in Florence, to Piero di Cosimo de’Medici and Lucrezia Tornabouni.
  • 1464

    Death of Grandfather

    His grandfather Cosimo dies; his father, Piero, assumes charge of the affairs of Florence.
  • 1466

    Public Affairs in Florence

    Visits Ferdinand of Aragon in Naples; begins active participation in public affairs in Florence.
  • Jun 4, 1469


    He marries Clarice Orsini
  • Period: Dec 2, 1469 to Apr 8, 1492


  • Dec 7, 1469

    Death and Rise

    His father dies, and two days later he accepts the charge of head of the Florentine state.
  • 1471

    Birth of Piero II

    Birth of his first male child, Piero II
  • 1474


    Beginning of hostilities between Lorenzo and Pope Sixtus IV; establishment of the alliance between Milan, Venice, and Florence.
  • 1478

    The Pazzi Conspiracy

    The Conspiracy of the Pazzi results in the death of Lorenzo’s brother Giuliano, and in the consolidation of Lorenzo’s own power in Florence. The Pope places the city under an interdiction and enlists the aid of the king of Naples against Florence.
  • 1480

    Lift of Interdiction

    Lorenzo’s bold visit to King Ferdinand in Naples achieves an accord; at the end of the year, the Pope lifts the interdiction against Florence.
  • 1482

    Death of Mother

    His mother Lucrezia dies.
  • Apr 9, 1492


    Lorenzo dies at Careggi