Period: Jan 1, 1400 to Dec 31, 1500
Lorenzo De' Medici
Jan 1, 1449
Lorenzo De' Medicis birth
Jan 1, 1469
Lorenzo takes his fathers place as the unofficial rulers of Florence
Apr 26, 1478
Lorenzo and his brother are attacked on sunday morning by the Pazzi family Guilano was killed in the unexpected attack
May 27, 1482
The monk Savanorola starts preaching to Florence about an apocyypse. Lorenzo Medici starts to lose favour as more and more people listen to Savanorola
Apr 9, 1492
Lorenzo De Medicis death
Mar 25, 1494
Savonarola becomes the ruler of Florence
May 27, 1498
Savonarolas grip on Florence diminishes and is tried and hung for heresay