Lord of the rings

  • Bilbo's and frodos birthday

    biblo is turning 101 frodo is turning 33 bilbo leaves the shire to go to rivendell
  • gandalf vists several times

  • gandalf vistes then learns that frodo might have the one ring

  • gandalf arives at bag end

  • frodos learns of the one ring

  • frodos leaves bag ends to go to the prancing pony to meet gandalf

    he also turned 50 the day before
  • frodos sees the nazgul

    he didnt know the name of it so he called it the black rider
  • frodo meets Tom bombadli

    merry and pippin almost got eaten by a tree and tom bombadli saved them by playing a song on a flute
  • frodo meets aragorn also know as strider

    he meets aragorn in bree at the prancing pony
  • frodo gets stabed by the witch king at weathertop

    the witch king stabbed him in his left shoulder
  • frodo meets glorfindel and they ride to rivendall

    glorfindel gives frodo his horse and the nazguls try to get the one ring
  • frodo gets saved and now is in rivendall

    elrond saved him
  • frodo will take the ring to mordor

    the fellowship of the rings is made which is made up of gandulf, frodo, sam, merry, Pippin, legolas, aragorn,gimli, and boromir
  • the fellowship leaves rivendall