9222253 orig

Lord of the Flies

  • Plane crash

    Plane crash
    The plane crashes, leaving a group of schoolboys stranded on a deserted island. Two boys find a conch shell and use it to call the other boys. Ralph becomes the leader
  • Searching the Island

    Searching the Island
    Ralph, Jack and Simon search around the island, to discover what is there. Piggy was figuring out who was on the island. Ralph, Jack and Simon find a mountain and decide it is a good place for a signal fire
  • The Conch Shell

    The Conch Shell
    Piggy and Ralph find each other first, and also find a conch shell. Ralph blows on it and it makes a loud noise. Slowly other kids who survived the crash start to show up
  • The Hunt

    The Hunt
    Jack is the leader of the hunters, and they try to kill a pig. At first they fail. Jack is dissapointed and gets obsessed with hunting. Eventually they kill a pig. This is the beginning of the savagery. Theu yell "Kill the pig, cut her throath, spill her blood".
  • Fire

    The boys make a fire at the mountaintop. It ends up burning the island and killing the boy with the birthmark. Some boys think the beast killed him.
  • Fear

    The boys develop a fear for a beast on the island. They start seeing thing that aren't there. It started with the littluns and their nightmares. Once they told it everyone started to think about them and believing it.
  • Beast from the Air

    Beast from the Air
    The boys see a dead man flying in the air with a parachute and they think it is a beast.
  • Painting Faces

    Painting Faces
    Jack starts to paint his face, so the pigs won't see him and the other hunters follow him. This also show savagery.
  • Fire goes Out

    Fire goes Out
    the boys who were supposed to watch the fire at the mountaintop left the fire. The fire went out and in the main time a boat passed, so they could've been rescued.
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    The Lord of the Flies is a pig's head on a sharpened spear. The spear is sharpened on both ends. One end is put in the ground and on the other end the hunters put a pig's head.
  • Hunting the beast

    Hunting the beast
    The older boys go out to hunt the beast. They think they've found it on the mountain, but it is only the dead man with the parachute. They get scared and decide to move the fire to the beach
  • Separation

    The boys separates. The hunters stay with Jack and the littluns, Piggy, Sam and Eric stay with Ralph
  • Stealing Piggy's glasses

    Stealing Piggy's glasses
    Jack's hunters steal Piggy's glasses so they can easily make fire anytime. They also beat up the boys.
  • Confronting Jack

    Confronting Jack
    Ralph and his thibe go te confront Jack and his group. Jack and Ralph end up fighting and Sam and Eric get taken.
  • Piggy's death

    Piggy's death
    Piggy is killed by Roger. He dropped a giant rock on Piggy, killing him and smashing the conch shell
  • Hunting Ralph

    Hunting Ralph
    After Piggy's death Jack's tribe wants to capture Ralph and kill him the next day. Ralph runs away and hides.
  • Smoking Ralph out

    Smoking Ralph out
    While hunting Ralph, Jack starts a fire to smoke Ralph out, burning most of the island. Because of the smoke, a naval ship comes to inspect the island
  • The rescue

    The rescue
    The naval ship which was alarmed by the smoke rescues the boys. when Ralph runs to the beach in order te escape the fire.