LOTF ch. 1
3 things that happened.
• a group of school choir kids have gotten into a plane crash onto an island.
• I found out the four main characters Ralph, Piggy, Jack & Simon.
• now they're exploring the island. http://m.wikihow.com/Survive-on-a-Deserted-Island-With-Nothing -
LOTF ch. 3
3 things that happened.
- Ralph and most of the others started building shelters.
- Jack is having a little obsession about killing a pig and thinks killing a pig is more important then building shelter.
- Simon was exploring and found a jungle meadow that he will keep all to himself.
http://www.enjoyperu.com/peru_travel_tours_information/manual/build-shelter.html -
LOTF ch. 4
3 things that happened.
- Jack was finally able to kill the pig.
- Ralph and Jack are fighting over who needed to be leader.
- Piggy and Jack got into a fight and Jack broke his glasses.
http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=8982 -
LOTF ch. 2
3 things that happened.
- Jack tried to hunt and kill a pig and couldn't kill it.
- Ralph was picked to be the "chief" of the group.
- They were starting to create a little society for themselves.
http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=how+to+make+a+signal+fire&FORM=VIRE9#view=detail&mid=EB2039CDFC32164600DCEB2039CDFC32164600DC -
LOTF ch. 5
3 things that happened.
• the littluns were thinking they saw a beast.
• Jack doesn't believe the littluns that there could be a beast on the island.
• Ralph isn't sure of himself because the littluns are starting to listen to Jack more than him.
http://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lord_of_the_Flies/Beast_from_Water -
LOTF ch. 6
3 things that happened.
• there was a figure coming from the sky to the mountain.
• the boys found out that the littluns spotted a beast on the mountain and Ralph & Jack wanted to discover what the beast is.
• the boys are exploring the island to go find the beast from the air and refer to the caves as a "castle".
http://star.arm.ac.uk/objects.html -
LOTF ch. 7
3 things that happened.
• All the boys went off the find the beast.
• Simon was the only one who was brave enough to go back up the mountain.
• Ralph was excited that he hit the pig.
http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistence_hunting -
LOTF ch. 9
3 things that happened.
• Simon came up on the dead body of the parachuter with flies on it.
• Jack invited Ralph, Piggy and the other boys to a feast.
• Simon died because of the other boys.
http://rightwingnews.com/quotes/the-best-quotes-from-evil-inside-human-violence-and-cruelty/ -
LOTF ch. 8
3 things that happened.
• Ralph and Jack split up into two groups on their own.
• Ralph calls the hunters "boys with sticks."
• The boys kill a big sow from the hunt and take off its head and it's now called the "lord of the flies."
http://www.motherearthnews.com/homesteading-and-livestock/butcher-a-pig-zmaz72soztak.aspx -
LOTF ch. 10
3 things that happened.
• Ralph and Piggy are trying to forget about what happened to Simon.
• Jack and the others got the Castle Rock defended and are going to steal from Ralph.
• Ralph and the other boys got attacked in their shelter by Jack and his hunters.
http://m.wikihow.com/Get-Subtle-Revenge-on-Your-Enemies -
LOTF ch. 11
3 things that happened.
• Piggy gets crushed by a rock and fell.
• Jack plans to hunt Ralph down.
• Jack has forced Samneric to join his tribe when Ralph runs off.
http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2015-04-05/kenya-attack-student-survivor-emerges-after-hiding-for-two-days/6371372 -
LOTF ch. 12
3 things that happened.
• Samneric warns Ralph that Roger and Jack are going to kill him.
• Jacks tribe was hunting down Ralph in a line, with rocks, and with fire.
• A Navy officer saw the fire on the island and came into contact with Ralph and rescued off the island.