Lord of the Flies - World Events

By zcroftz
  • Paul Von Hindenburg

    defeats Adolf Hitler and is re-elected as the President of Germany
  • Soviet-Polish Non-Aggression Pact

    is signed
  • President Hindenburg

    appoints Adolf Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    becomes President of the United States
  • Adolf Hitler

    was made dictator of Germany by the Reichstag
  • The Nazi Party

    becomes the official party of Germany
  • The Riechstag

    passes the Nuremburg Laws which legalized discrimination against Jews
  • Hitler makes it mandatory

    for all males age 10-18 to join the Hitler Youth
  • The Pact of Steel

    is signed between Italy and Germany forming an alliance
  • World War II starts

    with Germany invading Poland
  • Winston Churchill

    becomes Prime Minister of England
  • The Nazis

    capture the city of Paris
  • The United States enters World War II

    after the attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Mass murder

    of Jews occurs at Auschwitz
  • The United States'

    first bombing raid on Germany
  • Italy declares war

    on Germany
  • D-Day

    allies land in the northern coast of France
  • Anne Frank and her family

    are arrested by the Gestapo in Amsterdam
  • Allies free concentration camps

    and Harry Truman becomes President of the United States
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

  • The Korean War begins

  • The Soviet Union

    starts putting nuclear missiles on submarines
  • Senator McCarthy

    tells President Truman that the United States has been infiltrated with communists which causes people to become paranoid about spies
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected President

  • The American occupation

    of Japan ends and Japan re-gains their independence
  • Sir Edmund Hillary

    becomes the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest
  • The Korean War ends

  • The Soviet Union

    detonates the first hydrogen bomb
  • The first color tv's are made

  • The United States launches

    the first nuclear submarine