British school boys crash
A group of British school boys crash on an island they are still wearing their uniforms and walk in straight lines. They are the picture of civilized young men. “Their bodies from throat to ankle were hidden by black cloaks, which bore a long silver cross on the left breast and each neck was finished off with a hambone fill.” (pg.19 ) -
Fire out of control
The beast is first mentioned by the boy with the birth mark. Nobody believe him about the snake-thing he saw They start to freak out and start to make dumb decision when they start the fire and it gets out of control and the boy with the birth mark dies. “The heart of the flame leapt nimbly across the gap between the trees and then went swinging and flaring along the whole role of them.”(pg44) -
Jack become savage
Jack becomes more wild and more savage he wants to kill a pig and wants to spend the day hunting. He is walking on his feet. He also is just wearing shorts and a belt with a knife. “A sharpened stick about five feet long trailed from his right hand, and except for a pair of tattered shorts held up by his knife-belt he was naked.”(pg48) -
Jack Painted face
Jack paints his face so he can’t be seen and kills the pig. The group has a violent argument because the hunters are not helping out to build the shelter because the only boy helping and kills the pig is Simon. Jack bunches Piggy in the stomach. “Jack planned his new face. He made one cheek and one eye-socket white, then he rubbed red over the other half of his face and slashed a black bar of charcoal across from the right ear to left jaw.”(pg63) -
Rules broken
Ralph wants the group of boys to have order but none of the boys listen and keep breaking the rules and they never did what they said they were going to do on the meetings and he calls a meeting and makes rules. “We have lots of assemblies. But they don’t get done. We were going to have water brought from the steam and left in those coconut shells under fresh leaves. Now there’s no water. The shells are dry. People drink from the river.”(pg79) -
Beast Seen
The twins Sam and Eric see an object on the rocks near the mountain and they think it’s the beast. They go warn the boys and they freak out. Jack wants to go kill the beast right away because they are wasting time. “The intensity of Eric’s gaze made the direction in which he looked terrible, for Sam had his back to it. They became motionless, gripped in each other’s arms, four unwinking eyes aimed and two mouths open.” (pg98) -
The hunters play a game in which they put someone it was Roger in the middle and they act like the Roger in the middle is a pig and then they actually start to hit him and they want to kill him. “They got his arms and legs. Ralph, carried away by a sudden thick excitement, grabbed Eric’s spear and jabbed at Robert with it. “Kill him Kill him!”(pg114) -
The Gift
Jack and the hunters go hunt for a pig and the kill the pig and they put the pig face on a stick and leave it there for the beast. “Jack spoke loud. “This head is for the beast .It’s a gift.”(pg137) -
The Feast and Death
Jack and his hunters do a feast and invite Ralph and Piggy and the rest things get out of control and Simon comes to tell them that the beast is an died man and the other see him and they think he is the beast and they attack him and kill him. “As Simon thought this, he turned to the poor broken thing that sat stinking by his side. The beast as harmless and horrible and the new must reach the others as soon as possible.”(pg147) “Simon’s dead body moved out toward the open sea.”(pg154) -
Everyone is acting like nothing happen in the feast that Simon didn’t died and Jack is talking with the others in his group about going to steal the others for more fire and steal Piggy’s glasses and made Robert and other tie Wilfred up and Jack is going to beat him up for no reason. “He was chief now in truth, and made stabbing motions with his spear. From his left hand dangled Piggy’s broken glasses.” (pg168) -
Fight and Death
Ralph and his group go to Jack and the rest of the savages to get Piggy’s glasses back to make fire and so Piggy can see better but Jack is mad and points at Ralph with his spear and Roger throws a rock at Piggy and kills him “Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea. His head opened and stuff came out and turned red. Piggy’s arms and legs twitched a bit, like a pig’s after it has been killed.”(pg181) -
Danger and Safe
Jack and Roger are going to hunt Ralph and kill him they start a fire so Ralph can come out of the place he is hiding the fire gets out of control and some get burned and go after him . Ralph gets safe by an officer that saw the fire. “Ralph was running with the swiftness of fear through the undergrowth. He came to a pig-run, followed it perhaps a hundred yards, and then swerved off behind him the ululation swept across the island once more and a signal voice shouted three times.”(pg195)