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Looking like the Enemy_Joshua Cho

  • Theme statement

    Theme statement
    Stay strong even in the most difficult times of your life.
  • The day Japan bombed Pearl Harbor

    The day Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
    Summary:Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, putting the Americans in confusion. America then declares war against Japan.
    Turning point: Life was all normal and peaceful until the war started, which changed the whole story because they would have to evacuate.
    Theme Relevance:Mary struggles to find hope in herself when times are tough because she is struggling to have identity in herself, such as if she was American or not.
  • Mary and her Family are evacuated to temporary internment camp.

    Mary and her Family are evacuated to temporary internment camp.
    Summary: Because war was declared on Japan, Mary's family and other Japanese Americans are moved to a temporary internment camp because of a new rule made by the president.
    Negative character development: Mary experiences the first persecution in her whole entire life because she "looked like the enemy."
    Theme Relevance: Mary still believes in the people that she trusts and puts hope in through all the times she has hardships and struggles.
  • Mary's Family are moved to permanent camp.

    Mary's Family are moved to permanent camp.
    Summary: Mary and her family are moved to a permanent internment camp for all Japanese Americans. Mary feels depressed because she believes it is not fair to be locked up when they are truly Americans
    Positive Character development:Even though she begins to feel depressed because of her identity crisis, she is encouraged by her parents to stay strong which helps her to have hope.
    Theme Relevance:Mary is able to stay strong by her parents encouraging words even in the toughest times of her life.
  • Yoneichi, Mary's brother, joins the American Army.

    Yoneichi, Mary's brother, joins the American Army.
    Summary: Yoneichi is enlisted into the American Army to fight for the Americans, but against the Japanese.
    Positive Character development: Mary begins to feel more patriotic for her own country and is encouraged by the words of her brother when he leaves, which was saying to stay strong and to make Family first.
    Theme Relevance: Mary knows that her brother might die in the war, but is happy for him because they are all maturing and more patriotic for their home country.
  • Mary goes to Nursing School.

    Mary goes to Nursing School.
    Summary:Mary goes to Nursing school to learn how to care for people like the ones serving in the war.
    Positive: Going into Nursing school matures her and makes her more patriotic for her country. She went from a high school girl that went through a identity crisis to a mature adult that is serving her country.
    Theme Relevance:Mary is able to stay encouraged and strong even though she knows that there may be hard ships along the way.
  • World War II ends!!!

    World War II ends!!!
    Summary: The war ends and Mary rejoices but also becomes heartbroken at the news of the bombing of Japan.
    Turning Point Event: The war is finally over, meaning that she does not have to suffer anymore and is able to rejoice in her new life and path that is set for her.
    Theme relevance:Even though the bombing of Japan is sad and painful to Mary, she is still able to rejoice in the people she loved and trusted the most.