London playhouses

London playhouses and the Old Globe

  • 1567

    first playhouse: Red Lion

    first playhouse: Red Lion
    The first playhouse, the Red Lion, was built in 1567 by John Brayne. He converted the Red Lion Inn, in Stepney, outside the city walls.
  • Period: 1570 to

    Other playhouses opened

    many more playhouses opened between the 1570s and the 1620s.
  • 1576

    the Theatre

    In 1576 Brayne and James Burbage built the Theatre, just outside the city walls. Burbage was an actor with the Earl of Leicester’s Men, who played in the Theatre for its first two years.
  • 1577

    The Curtain

    The Curtain
    In 1577 the Curtain was built near the Theatre.
  • Globe theatre

    The first Globe was built by the company Shakespeare was in – the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. They had played at the Theatre, built by the Burbage family on land leased from a Mr Allen. In 1597, Allen refused to renew the lease. However the Burbages owned the Theatre because the lease said they owned anything built on the land. They took it down while Allen was away over Christmas. . Probably the first Shakespeare play to be performed at the Globe was Julius Caesar, in 1599.
  • Globe theatre burnt

    On 29 June, at a performance of Shakespeare’s Henry VIII, some small cannons were fired. They didn’t use cannon balls, but they did use gunpowder held down by wadding. A piece of burning wadding set fire to the thatch. The theatre burned down in about an hour.
  • New Globe theatre

    New Globe Theatre was built on the same site of the Old Globe
  • The theatres was closed by the Puritans

  • The Globe was pulled by the Puritans

  • The last Globe Theatre was opened

    The last Globe Theatre was opened