Period: to
Franco-Prussian War/Clemenceau Aims
Clemenceau wanted to avenge Fr humiliating defeat at the Franco-Prussian war. He wanted to gain revenge for the devastation Fr (main industrial region Nord-Pas-de Calais) had suffered due to Ger aggression in the war. He also wanted to ensure Ger would never again threaten Fr thus he wanted to cripple Ger militarily and economically. Wanted to secure a guarantee of support from Br, the USA against Ger. He was known as 'the tiger' -
Treaty of London
Italy signs the treaty with Britain to join WW1 with the Allied powers in return for major territorial gains along the Adriatic Coast once victory was acheived. Italy joined the war with the Triple Entente despite its membership in the Triple Alliance. Italy spent a lot on the war in human and financial terms and it had spent more on the war in 3 years than in the past 50 years. Therfore Italy was expecting huge gains in Paris but Italians realized Yugoslavia gained more at Italy's expense. -
Arguements Against Ger Anger towards the treaty
Clemensceauthought the terms were not as severe as he had hoped and the French were concerned that Ger was left strong enough to recover and seek revenge. Ger territorial losses were restricted to places gained as a result of war. Ger remained potentially the strongest power in Europe. Many argued that having argued Wilsons 14 points in the treaty of Brest Litovsk Ger shouldnt have expected their settlement to be based on them -
Bolshevik Rise to Power/ Fear of communism (1919-23)
The Bolshevik's rise to power caused alarm throughout Europe. Fr and Br were especially concerned because they lost a vital ally when the Russian gov withdrew from the war in the Treaty of Brest Litovsk. It was soon clear Lenin wanted to spread communism and Russian agents and propaganda began to appear in major European cities. -
Br Overtaken in Exports by USA & Japan/Llloyd Aims
In 1913 Br was the worlds leading exporter but was overtaken by USA and Japan by 1919 and it was estimated that Br spent over 3.25 B euros in the war. Therefore Lloyd wanted a treaty that would punish Ger to appease the anti-Ger citizens who voted for him based on the promise to make Ger pay. But also to ensure Ger economic recovery was possible to enhance Br overseas trade as Ger could be a potentially lucrative market. -
Foreign relations after Paris Peace Conference
Germany was weakened and resentful. France and Russia were feeling isolated and vulnerable for different reasons. The USA had returned to a policy of isolationism. Britain was focusing more on imperial connections than on its relations with Europe. Italy under Mussolini was seeking to overcome the humiliation at the Peace conference through territorial expansion. Border disputes were common and Turkey was the first country to successfully challenge the TOV. Many were struggling economically. -
Period: to
Russian Civil War
Many countries in Europe and Asia alike feared communism so much that many became involved with the Russian Civil war to prevent Lenin's bolsheviks from taking power. For Fr this meant the loss of another ally against Ger. For Russia this meant isolation and vulnerability -
Final Ally Counter Offensive/ End of WW1
Following the gains from the treaty of Brest Litovsk, Ger launched a major offensive on the Western Front. However, the allies launched a major counter-offensive through summer and autumn. Ger supply lines were overextended during their earlier offensive, troops were starved and driven back. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation Ger commanders wanted to launch one more major naval battle against Britain but the soldiers disagreed and the sailors mutinied sparking revolution in Ger. -
Wilsons 14 Point Speech
Woodrow Wilson outlines his vision for the future. He hoped his speech would will Russia to stay in the war and urge Germany to seek a settlement. Wanted a lenient settlement 'peace without victory, he thought a harsh treaty would anger Ger causing WW2. He saw himself as a mediator but in reality, didn't understand the complex issues facing Europe. He also did not fully rep the Americans as the Republican party (isolationist) held the maj by the time he arrived in Paris. US ppl =anti war -
Formation of Yugoslavia
It was made up of the kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro and territories from the Hapsburg empire. It had many groups and thus ethnic and religious disputes were inevitable. To prevent border disputes the country made a series of friendly agreements with other countries. It formed the 'little entente' with Czechoslovakia, Rom, and Fr. In 1924 it joined an alliance with Gr, Rom, and Turk. Despite these agreements, it remained vulnerable and was dependent on Western loans due to limited industry. -
Treaty of Brest Litovsk
Lenin, Russias new President wanted to end its involvement with the war due to the effect it had on the economy and lower classes. The terms of the treaty were harsh and not in line with Wilsons 14 points.
Russia was to lose Estonia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia, and Finland all land containing Russias best farmland/ raw materials/ heavy industry,
Russia lost 25% of its population, 25% of its industry, 90% of its coal mines. -
Formation of Czechoslovak First Republic
After the fall of the Habsburg Empire, the Republic was created and was ratified in Paris. It had a mix of people and more than 3m German speakers and those living in some territories e.g Sudentenland were a minority that was discriminated against. The country was able to maintain a democratic gov. It had raw materials, agricultural land, and productive industries it remained relatively prosperous in the 20s. It had also established protective alliances with Yugo, Rom, It, Fr. -
Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates/ Weimar Republic
Following the widespread protests, the Kaiser was forced into exile and formally abdicated. This led to the formation of the Ger Republic (Weimar Republic) a new gov based on Wilsons 14 points. -
US senate rejects the peace treaty
Although Wilson was heavily involved in peace negotiations the USA was divided on whether the country should ratify the settlement and join the LON. Most democratic party senators supported internationalism and the Republican senators favored isolationism and wanted to keep out of international issues unless American interests were at stake. The US Senate rejected the peace settlement, determined not to be involved in another war and returned to its isolationist tradition. -
Formation of Comintern/ Fear of Communism (1919-1923)
Communists from all over the world were invited to a conference in Moscow which marked the inauguration of the Comintern/Third International. This was a communist organization that aimed to encourage a worldwide communist revolution. Its chairman Grigori Zinoviev proclaimed 'that in a year the whole of Europe would be communist'. Widespread revolution was possible due to the economic and social problems in Europe at the time. Fear of revolution spread to the USA and was known as the 'red scare; -
Beggining of the Paris Peace Conference
Reps of 30 victorious nations met at Versailles, Paris. The aim of the conference was to develop a settlement that would end WW1 and in the words of Poincare 'prevent a recurrence of it'. This was going to be difficult as revolutions were happening across Europe e.g Russia. A decision was needed fast and was to be made by Fr,Br,It,USA.
Orlando, couldn't speak English well and temporarily withdrew after realising It may not get all its territorial claims. The decision was then left to the Big 3 -
Treaty Of Saint Germain
This was signed with Austria. Territorial losses: Bohemia and Moravia, Dalmatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Bukovina, Galicia, Trentino, Istria, Trieste, parts of South Tyrol. Austria's population went from 22 m to 6.5m. A lot of industrial wealth was lost to Czechoslovakia and Poland. Vienna the former capital of the Hapsburg empire was left barely enough farming land to sustain itself. The economy suffered after tariffs were imposed by new states and they numerously got loans from LON (anschluss). -
Treaty of Neuilly
This was signed with Bulgaria. Territorial Losses: Lost territory to Greece, Yugoslavia, and Romania. It had to reduce its army to no more than 20,00 and was instructed to pay reparations of over $400m. 1m Bulgars were no under forign governments. -
Polands Independece is Confirmed
After more than a century of being partitioned by foreign countries, Poland became independent in Nov 1918, and of its population of 27m fewer than 18m were Poles and more than 1m were Germans. These numbers as well as 14 political parties led to a weak gov. Border disputes brought Poland into trouble with Ger, Czech, Lith, Russ. Polish leaders wanted to extend Polish boundaries to Uk and Lith which was more than what was agreed upon in the peace settlement. -
Britain and France Appeal for cancellation of USA loans
The request was justified by stating that the USA had benefitted from significant economic advantages during the war and had a healthier post-war economy. The USA rejected the requests and wanted the loans paid in full. This posed a further financial problem as to repay these loans Br and Fr were reliant on Ger reparations. Due to hyperinflation Ger could not meet these requirements and Br/Fr opinions on this matter caused further tensions. -
Period: to
French Tough Foreign policy towards Germany (1919-23)
Fr adopted a tough and uncompromising foreign policy towards Ger due to the Franco-Prussian war and German aggression in WW1. This was to ensure Ger remained economically and militarily weak. This is why Fr wanted to ensure full reparations payment for 66 yrs thus ensuring Ger would be crippled for long. This is seen in the Genoa conference and in the Ruhr invasion. The latter proved unproductive as it increased Ger hyperinflation and severely damaged Fr-Br, making Fr feel isolated and insecure. -
Period: to
Foreign Relations between 1919-1923
Countries like Fr and Belg needed to rebuild their industrial infrastructure following the devastation of war damage. Britain lost over 40% of its merchant fleet in the war reducing its ability to trade. These countries also had war debts to pay to the USA. The Ger economy declined into hyperinflation. The USA had limited trading opportunities because of the world's economic difficulties. Economic problems created social issues which threatened revolution. Therefore tensions remained high. -
Formation of the Hungarian Soviet Republic/problems in successor states
The aftermath of WW1 was political chaos in Hungary, the Hungarian Communist party took control and the soviet republic was declared under Bela Kun. Kuns gov began a violent campaign known as the 'red terror'. Hungarian troops invaded Czech but following French intervention, the troops withdrew and Kun ordered the invasion of Romania which failed. Kuns gov collapsed after threats from Rom and a military regime took control with an anti-communist campaign 'white terror.' -
Treaty Of Versailles
Lost 70,000km of land with 7 million people, Alsace & Lorraine to France, Eupen & Malamady, North Schleswig, Saar under the LON for 15yrs France could use its mines plebiscite would determine its fate, Rhineland was demilitarized, West Prussia to Poland ‘Polish Corridor’, Port of Mammal, All African colonies became mandates of the LON
-Military: 100,000 troops, no tank, no military aircraft/submarines, only 6 battleships
-Anschluss was forbidden
-War Guilt Clause allowing for reparations -
Treaty of Trianon
This was signed with Hungary. It stated that Slovakia and Ruthenia were to become part of Czechoslovakia. Hungary also lost Transylvania to Romania and Croatia and Slovenia to Yugoslavia. The population went from 21m to 7.5 m. They lost their richest cornland to Romania and matters became worse when all the new states introduced tariffs. Hungary lost 2/3 of its population and lost much of its industrial land thus making it reliant on foriegn loans -
Justifications for German Anger Towards the Treaty
Due to political instability, 100,00 troops were not sufficient to maintain law and order within the country let alone protect Ger from external attack. Although termed as mandates Ger former colonies were under Br,Fr, and S.Africa. Millions of people who were German by language and culture were now living under foreign govs. Although part of Ger East Prussia was separated from the rest of Ger by the Polish corridor. The war guilt clause caused resentment. Reparations were impossible to pay -
Austria in the 20s
The country was landlocked and most of its industrially productive areas were given to Poland and Czecho by the treaty of st German. Austria experienced economic problems and was reliant on foreign loans as inflation remained high through the 20. Many beloived the solution to this problem was an Anschluss howver this was forbidden by the TOV and loans were only given to Austria after their commitment not to seek union with Ger. -
Communists change to diplomatic Foreign policy
By 1921 the Bolsheviks were established in Russia but their hopes of a worldwide communist revolution under Russian leadership had not materialized. Lenin had now accepted that Russias future depended on their economic cooperation with other countries -
Reparations Commission
Austria and Hungary did not have to pay reparations due to their economic problems. Limited reparations were imposed on Turkey but these were ended after the treaty of Lausanne. Only a fraction of Bulgaria's figure was paid when the requirement was abandoned in 1932. The figure of 6.6b euros set for Ger was criticized by the Ger rep, Wilson who worried about future war, British economist Keynes who argued the reparations would cause high inflation. He suggested 200m euros be paid instead. -
Treaty of Riga/Problems with Successor States
This was signed by Russia and Poland after Polish troops entered Ukraine. Poland won the war and following the signing of the treaty a strip of land was added to Poland's Eastern Border. This is an example of some of the problems faced by the successor states due to the partitioning of existing nations. -
Formation of the Italian Communist party
The threat of communism also had a big impact in Italy. They had borrowed heavily for its war effort and its attempts to repay the debts led to inflation. The Italian Lira fell from 5 to the dollar in 1915 to 28 to the dollar in 1921. Italians faced mass unemployment as industries reduced to pre-war levels strikes, looting, and rioting by trade unions were awry. The formation of the Italian communist party further made things worse as the conditions in Italy were ripe for revolution -
Britain ready to sign Trade Treaty with Russia/The French on Soviet Russia
By 1921 Britain prepared to sign a trade treaty with Rusia recognizing the Bolsheviks as the legitimate Russian government. But Fr remained deeply resentful of the Bolshevik's successes it had robbed Fr of an ally against Ger and increased the threat of revolt in Fr. The Bolshevik gov also refused to repay Russian debts to Fr. It was at Fr request that Russia not be represented at the Peace Conference. The singing of the Rapallo pact ended the isolation of both countries making things worse. -
Period: to
Washington Conference
There was need to reduce the growing tensions in East Asia resulting from Japanese expansion. The USA invited Br, Fr, Jap, It to discuss reducing naval capacity. Belgium, China, Portugal, Netherlands were invited to discuss the situation in East Asia. The conferences resulted in 3 treaties: The 5/4/9 Power Treaty. These treaties did reduce tensions in E Asia however they lacked a means of enforcement. The 5 power treaty limited tonnage for warships this did not include all types of shipping. -
Period: to
Signing of the Treaties that Form the Little Entente
To gain greater security Fr developed a series of alliances with states in E.Eruope including Poland-1921, Czechoslovakia-1924, Romani-1926, and Yugoslavia- 1927. Thi was known as the Little Entente. Fe also encouraged the development of an effective LON. Neither of these strategies proved effective as Fr Little Entente partners were weak and it was apparent the LON lacked power tot enforce deicisions/ -
US- German Peace Treaty
It was signed in Berlin after World War I. The main reason for the signing of the treaty was the fact that the U.S. Senate did not want to ratify the multilateral peace treaty signed in Versailles, thus leading to a separate peace treaty. The US refused to sign the Paris peace treaties had a large impact on the Lon in the 20s and 30s. This treaty had a sig imapct on Europe, Fr lost the security it wanted from USA agaisnt Ger. Br believed in disarmament Fr did not causing tension, Fr isolated -
The 5 Power Treaty
This treaty was signed by the USA, Br, Fr, Jap, It. Japan agreed to withdraw the dome of its recently acquired Chinese territory and to limit its navy who 3/5ghs of the British and US armies. The Western powers agreed not to develop any new naval bases near Jap. All 5 agreed to limit their warship tonnage Br and USA to 500,000 tonnes each and Fr, It, and Japan to 175,000 tonnes each -
Nine Power Treaty
Signed by all 9 countries attending the conference. The treaty guaranteed protection for China against invasion and agreed to uphold the 'open door policy' allowing equal opportunity for trade with China -
Rapallo Pact*
WW1 and the Peace settlement left Ger and Russ isolated and vulnerable and after the Genoa Conference ended they held joint discussions. This led to a treaty in 1921 where Ger was first to recognize the Bolsheviks as the gov of Russia. Under the pact, they renounced all territorial claims against each other and agreed to cooperate. Industrial and military collaboration, Ger companies built factories in Russ producing the arms banned by the TOV. Russ learned from German technological expertise. -
Effect of Rapallo Pact
The signing of the treaty of Rapallo caused great concern in Europe. The French fearful of communism spreading and determined to keep Ger weak felt threatened by the friendly relations between the two countries. The Poles were aware that both countries claimed parts of the territory that compromised their current territory. With Ger in the West and Russ in the East Poland was insecure. The union also curtailed Polish hopes of expansion into either country. -
Italy becomes the 1st Fascist state
Mussolini's National Fascist Party was known for its violence, its black-shirted members regularly attacked communist headquarters. The party grew as most feared communism e.g landowners, businessmen, the church, and the king. Following the threat of revolution when the communist party called for a general strike the king asked Mussolini to form a gov. He established a dictatorship and launched a campaign to control all aspects of Italian life. -
The 4 Power Treaty
Signed by USA, Br, Fr, and Japan. The 4 countries agreed to respect each other's rights in the Pacific and the Far East and to deal with any future disagreements through negotiation rather than military action. The treaty formally ended the 1902 Anglo-Japanese alliance. Britain had become increasingly embarrassed of this alliance because of the reason for it no longer existed (Britains naval rivalry with Ger) and in the vent of any conflict btw USA and Jpan Br would have to side with Japan. -
Turkey defies the Treaty of Sevres
Turkey defied the peace settlement completely when its troops retook some land including Smyrna, parts of Anatolia. -
Period: to
Hyperinflation in Germany
After its defeat, Ger claimed that it couldn't meet the demands of the TOV. Germany had infrastructure intact as the fighting on the Western Front was in Fr and Bul. But Ger borrowed heavily for its war effort and this plus reparation payment was too much as Keynes predicted. In Jan 1922 a loaf of bread was 250 marks by Nov 1923 tit was 200,000 m marks. This was hyperinflation not strong enough to fix wages and prices the gov issued paper money which soon became worthless. -
Genoa Conference
Lloyd invited reps of 30 European countries to meet in Genoa, Italy to discuss ways of easing the post-war economic problems. Both Ger and Russia were invited as Llloyd believed their inclusion was vital to achieving the economic reconstruction of war. Br wanted Ger's reparations to be reduced and Fr opposed anything that was to weaken the TOV. The conference achieved nothing, Ger withdrew because of Fr and Russia hoping to develop a relationship with Ger left too, isolationist USA didn't attend -
Treaty Of Servres
This was signed with Turkey. Turkey lost territory to Greece and Italy and other parts of the former Turkish empire were mandated to Fr and Br. The treaty opened the Dardanelles to all shipping permanently. Under Mustafa Kemal, the Turkish National Movement was created to overturn the terms of this treaty and expel foreign soldiers. -
Treaty of Lausanne (Turkey)
The Greeks had reduced to formally ratify the treaty of Serves due to territorial claims. Following Kemal's uprising, the treaty was also rejected by Turkey. Reps of all countries involved met in Lausanne Switzerland and the borders of Turk, Grce and Bulg were settled, the Republic of Turkey was recognized with Kemal as its leader. Turkey stopped paying reparations, most foreign soldiers left and Turkey gained territories. This was the first country to successfully challenge the peace treaties. -
Rhuhr Crisis
Angered by Ger failure to pay reparations Fr and Bel troops occupied the Ruhr, one of Ger most important industrial regions with the aim of seizing payment in the form of coal and timber. The Ger gov ordered a policy of passive resistance which paralyzed the industry as miners did not work. Although the Fr and Bel largely failed the economic impact this had on Ger further rose inflation. Thus reducing Ger chances of paying reparations. This caused tension between Br and Fr -
Italian Troops in Fiume (Mussolinis OG foreign policy)
In line with the aggressive nationalism that was associated with fascism, Mussolini made it clear that his aim was to make Italy 'great, respected, and feared. Italian troops marched into the Adriatic port of Fiume. This was in defiance of the peace settlement as it was a 'free city' that was to be used jointly by Yugoslavia and Italy. -
Corfu Incident
4 Italians were killed while in a LON attempt to resolve a border dispute between Greece and Albania. Believing the Greeks were responsible for the deaths Mussolini ordered Italian troops to bombard and occupy the Greek island of Corfu. Greece appealed to the LON which asked Italy to withdraw its troops. Mussolini refused to follow this instruction and occupied the country until Greece paid compensation. Mussolini was an important ally but his disobedience of the peace settlement was concerning. -
Criticisms of the Locarno Treaties
Some praised the Locarno treaties e.g Lord Balfour a former British Prime minister stated 'the great war ended in 1918 but the great peace did not begin until 1925'. However, some historians are critical as the Locarno's treaties gave no guarantees regarding Gers boundary with Poland and Czechoslovakia. Br's responsibilities were limited by clauses requiring aggrieved nations to make appeals to the LON. The French were less sincere than they appeared in forging a better relationship with Ger. -
LON in the 20S
Despite not having the membership of the USA, Russia or any of WW1 defeated nations the newly created LON was able to negotiate peaceful resolutions on a number of border issues. -
German Reparations in 1924
It had become more important than ever to find a solution to Ger reparations. There were 3 main issues: Fr and Beg troops were still occupying Ger territory, an act of war threatening Eiropean peace. Ger claimed it was unable to make the payments.The USA insitisted on full repayment of war loans which Br and Fr argued could only be made through Ger reparation payments. This caused a dillemma -
Dawes Plan
To Address Ger's reparations, a conference was held in London chaired by American banker Charles Dawes. Reps from the USA, Br, Fr, It, and Belg attneded. Fr and Belg troops were to withdraw from the Ruhr. Ger reparations would be restructured with restricted annual payments of the initial amount. Ger national bank, Reichsbank would be restructured and supervised by reps of attending countries. Ger received a loan from the USA to stabilize the economy so it could better pay reparations. -
Effect of Dawes Plan
Assured they would receive payments, Fr and Belg left the Ruhr, and tensions reduced. This marked a significant change in French foreign policy towards Ger which was one of the reasons for the failure of the Genoa conference and led to the French occupation of the Ruhr. The new Fr willingness to compromise allowed for negotiations to reduce tension between Ger and Fr thsi increasing stability in Europe. -
USA on the Dawes Plan
USA wanted to remain isolationist but its policies and actions had a big effect on other countries. In the Dawes plan, the USA loaned Ger money as it had vested interest in the growth of its economy e.g the payment of war debts and new American market. However, Ger was using the loans to pay Br and Fr who used the money to pay off their loans. The Dawes plan greatly decreased tensions, solved reparations, and endorsed the agreements made at Locarno. -
A change in French Foreign Policy Towards Ger after 1924
Following the Ruhr invasion, it was clear it had failed its purpose and damaged relations with Br thus Ft adopted a more conciliatory approach, signing the Dawes plan. Fr was still skeptical of Ger's intentions and was not sure Br would assist Fr in line with the Locarno treaties. In the Kellogg Brian pact, USA also did not commit itself to defending any country, making the Fr feel vulnerable. -
Period: to
Foreign Relations Between 1924-1929
LON was successful in settling border disputes. Fr was less hardline towards Ger and accepted reduced payments. Ger had formally accepted the TOV and the Locarno Conference symbolized a new era of friendly relations. All of the major power including the isolationist USA renounced war. Tensions remained as Fr still distrusted Ger and their acceptance of the Young Plan was due to international pressure. The Locarno treaties and Kellogg Briand pact did not contain any formal agreements. -
Period: to
USSR Relations in 1924-1929
USSR remained largely isolated in the 20s and although Br, Fr and It had restored diplomatic relations with USSR by 1924, thus recognizing the bolshevik gov there was still fear of communism, The Rapallo pact only made things worse and the USA did not even establish diplomatic relations with the USSR until 1933 The Russians resented that they were not invited to the Peace conference and not a part of the LON. They viewed the organization as a way to enhance Br/Fr's influence and power. -
The Locarno Conference
The conference was Stressmans brainchild and was held at the resort of Locarno in Switzerland to create agreements for the stability and security of Europe. The biggest outcome was that Ger, Fr, and Bel promised to respect their joint frontiers thus any borders agreed upon at the peace conference were confirmed and only defensive military action could be taken. A treaty of mutual guarantee stated that Br and It would help any country that faced aggression in violation of the Locarno treaties. -
Impact of the Locarno Conference (Italy)
Mussolini's aggression in 1923 at Fiume and Corfu was concerning but at Locarno, he was more cautious and diplomatic. He forged working rltships with reps from Br, Fr, Ger, and Belg. Mussolini knew It could not challenge the other powers and the country's success was reliant on its cooperation with others. He played a key role in negotiations and was now known as a statesman and even though Italy was not 'feared' it was 'respected' thus It was being accepted by other nations as a major power. -
Impact of Locarno Treaties (Germany)
Stressman (Germany's foreign minister) wanted to restore Ger's prestige and privileges. To achieve this he was willing to accept the permanent loss of Alsace and Lorraine, Eupen, and Malmedy. This was also done as a show of good to Fr, which worked as Briande and Stressman's working relationship symbolized a turning point for foreign relations. By making concessions he hoped that he would get assurances of no further incursions e.g Ruhr Invasion. This diplomacy enabled Ger to join the LON -
USSR Relations in 1924-1929
USSR remained largely isolated in the 20s and although Br, Fr and It had restored diplomatic relations with USSR by 1924, thus recognizing the bolshevik gov there was still fear of communism, The Rapallo pact only made things worse and the USA did not even establish diplomatic relations with the USSR until 1933 The Russians resented that they were not invited to the Peace conference and not a part of the LON. They viewed the organization as a way to enhance Br/Fr's influence and power. -
Poland gets a dictator
Due to Poland's difficulty to maintain true democracy Josef Pilsudski led a military coup and established himself as a dictator. This is an example fo the instability faced by successor states. -
Signing of the Treaty of Berlin
Fr and Russia relations were heightened when Ger and Russ had signed the Rapallo pact in 1922. Fr thought this would increase the chance of the spread of communism and assist Ger recovery These concerns increased when Russ and Ger signed the treaty of Berlin extending the Rapallo agreement for 5 more years. -
Admittance of Germany to the LON
Under Stressman Ger was prepared to compromise to ease its economic problems, achieve national security and regain international respect. At Locarno, he formally accepted the TOV and recognized Ger's requirement to pay reparations and guaranteed its borders with Fr and Belg. As a result, Ger was allowed to join the League. This is an example of improving relations -
Britain breaks off Diplomatic Relations with Russia
Although in 1921 Br was one of the first to establish diplomatic relations with the Bolshevik gov, its relationship with Russia differed through the 20s. Fears that USSR was encouraging independence movements in British ruled India led Br to break off diplomatic relations with them in 1927.Showing there was still a fear of communism -
Almsot all countries return to the Gold Standard/Success btwn 1924-29
The gold standard was a monetary system where the value of a currency was linked to the value of gold, being on the gold standard gave a nation's currency credibility. Many countries left the gold standard for WW1 to allow them to print more money but this caused inflation. Br/Fr appointed Ministers of reconstruction, Businessmen began to invest their capital, the public bought bonds providinggov with loans. By 1925 Br had returned to the gold standard followed by Fr in 1926 and Italy in 1927 -
Impacts of the Young plan
The reduction of the reparation sum was an admission that the amount set in 1921 was too high. The young plan is a good example of Fr's new willingness to compromise. Previously (Genoa Conf) Fr refused to change the reparation sum but by 1929 Fr recognized that being rigid would leave Fr isolated and insecure. Br and Fr realized that Ger's ability to pay reparations was dependent on American loans, thus they had little alternative but to agree with the US-inspired Young Plan. -
Period: to
The Kellogg-Briand Pact
Fr still felt insecure after the Locarno Conference and in 1927 Briand proposed a pact outlawing war between Fr and the USA. President Coolidge and Sec of State Kellogg were initially opposed as it could force the USA to defend Fr in war. They then suggested the inclusion of all nations wishing to be involved thus there were over 60 signatories (USA, Fr, Br, Ger, It, Jap) It still exists, and Barbados signed on in 2011. Nations renounced war agreeing to peacefully settle disputes. -
Impact/Criticisms of Kellogg Briande Pact
For Fr, the pact provided protection from Ger aggression. For Ger, the USSR, and Jap it offered international recognition as an equal and trustworthy partner. Br thought of the pact as another means to preserve peace and stability. The pact didn't state the steps to be taken if a country broke the agreement, thus making it worthless. USA signed only if it kept its right to self-defense and would not be required to take action against any nation breaking the agreement, maintaining isolationism. -
The Young Plan
USA knew that once Ger had to meet its full annual reparations it would struggle to pay American loans. A committee chaired by Owen Young met to discuss reducing the total figure of reparations. Negotiations were not easy as Ger added new demands including the return of the Polish Corridor and Upper Silesia. The Young plan reduced the final sum to 6.6b to 2b pounds. International controls over the ger economy set in the Dawes plan were dismantled. -
Yugoslavia gets a dictator/Problems with successor states
Due to ethnic and religious disputes developing democratic institutions was virtually impossible and the King Alexander the I banned all political parties proclaiming himself a dictaor. This is an example of the instability faced by successor states. -
Britain and Russia Trading Agreement
Following the breaking off of diplomatic relations in 1927 after Br suspected USSR was encouraging independence movements, the two countries did not restore relations until a trade agreement was signed in 1929