
  • born time

    yes i was born what else do i put
  • first time walking

    i can walk now and do dum things with my legs
  • my first word

    Dad. it was my first word dad
  • school

    it was painful cause i had no idea what to do
  • my first rice bowl

    it was the best experience i had at that time
  • a birthday my 5th

    i got a spider man drum set i used it a lot that day and umm it broke then it like went all over the place and hit me in the face then i got ice cream and i got other but that one broke to so that'
    s why i don't use drum sets
  • my sisters birth second one*

    worst day of my life anyway i had a sister she's annoying yes that's it what else i talk about potatoes or something
  • my first time at lost island

    i drowned a little bit.
  • my brothers birth

    my brother is very chunky so yeah i like him
  • snow boarding

    i fell a lot and i was rolling so much i thought i was a rolly polly
  • the day i got diabetes

    i got sick then my blood sugar went crazy high and i was throwing up a lot once i got to the hospital and they checked my blood sugar was 781
  • my first time cooking

    i blew the microwave