Locky's Colonial History Timeline

By Room 17

    Bligh William, well known for his overthrow in the mutiny on the Bounty, was a naval officer and the fourth Governor of New South Wales. He succeeded Governor Philip Gidley King in 1805, having been offered the position by Sir Joseph Banks. It is likely that he was selected by the British Government as governor because of his reputation as a hard man. He stood a good chance of reining in the maverick New South Wales Corps, something which his predecessors had not been able to do.
  • gold rush

    The Gold Rush The gold rush is a period of feverish migration of workers to an area that has had a dramatic discovery of gold deposits.the Major of the gold rush took place in the 19th century in Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, and the United States, while smaller gold rush took place some where. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, there were several majors of the gold rushes but of corse their was not only one Gol

    Ned Kelly was born in, 1855, in 1877 Australia a policeman tried to arrest him Ned Kelly’s brother red Kelly red pulled out a gun and shot the policeman. Brother The two ran into the bush, and formed the Kelly gang with two other men. The gang became notorious for their daring crimes, even taking over an entire township before being nabbed by police in 1880. The last of all bushrangers, Ned Kel
  • mathew flinders

    Captain Matthew Flinders on 16th of March 1774 to the 19th of July 1814 was a distinguished navigator and cartographer, was the first to go around Australia and identify it as a continent. mathew Flinders made three voyages to the southern ocean in August 1791 to August 1793, February 1795 - August 1800 and July 1801 - October 18.

    FIRST FLEET The First Fleet is the name given to the eleven ships that had left Great Britain, bound for Australia, on the 13th of May 1787. The passengers had consisted of: 10 civil officers, 212 Marines, including officers, an additional 28 wives and 17 children of the marines, 81 free people, 504 male convicts and 192 female convicts; the total number of free people was 348 and the total number of prisoners was 696, comin