Local Events

  • Counter offensive

    Allies are closing in on Germany and Hitler decides to do a counteroffensive.
  • Battles

    Allied air support is limited to counter the Germans
    The Battle of Elsenborn Ridge
    The Battle of St. Vith was fought 16–21 December 1944
  • Malmedy Massacre

    84 American prisoners of war are killed in the Malmedy massacre
  • Stavelot Falls

    The town of Stavelot falls to the German Army but is recaptured by the Allies during the Battle of Stavelot between December 18-20, 1944
  • U.S Troops surrender

    6,000 American troops surrender to the German Army at Schnee Eiffel
  • U.S Hits Back

    US forces reform and eventually mount counter attacks against the
  • The Siege of Bastogne

    Armored Divisions encircled by the German XLVII Panzer Corps.
  • General Montegomery

    "Antwerp the principle objective for Allied Forces. General Montgomery is given command the British north line of defense and American General Bradley is given command of the south."
  • Dresden Bombing

    Dresden was bombed by U.S.
  • After math

    Hundreds of thousands of people killed no telling how many really