LNatTC fiktiv

  • Joseph Hu arrives at San Francisco to attend the Stanford School of Medicine

  • Grace Wing mets her future husband, Joseph Hu

  • Grace Wing marries Joseph Hu

  • Lily Hu is born

  • Edward Chen-te Hu is born

  • Joseph Hu joins the U.S. Army and becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen

  • Grace and her family attend the parades in honor of Madame Chiang Kai-shek

  • Joseph takes Grace to the Forbidden City nightclub

  • Franklin Chen-yeh Hu is born

  • Judy Hu arrives in San Francisco to begin Graduale school at the University of California-Berkeley

  • Judy Hu marries Francis Fong

  • Lili attends the third annual Chinese American Citezens Aliance Independence Day Picnic and Miss Chinatown Contest

  • Judy takes Lily to Playland at the Beach

  • Francis begins working as an engineer at the JPL

  • Judy is hired as a Computer at the JPL

  • Judy takes Lily to the Morrison Planetarium at the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park

  • Lily and Kath meet at Vesuvio Café (San Francisco)

  • Kath erhält ihren Pilotenführerschein

  • Lily graduates Fromm University in Los Angeles ans Starts working at the JPL