I was born January 20th, 2004 at 8:46 am. My parents are Renee and Chis. I was born in Liberty Hospital.
Picture Link: http://www.berries.com/birthday-cakes-delivered-sbk -
I started preschool at Hilltop when I was two and a half years old. I remember that we did a play once and I was a star (literally, a star that you find in the sky). Preschool is also where I met my friend, that I still know now, Lauren F. Whenever it was play-time, we'd always play with the big legos together.
Picture Link: http://www.psdgraphics.com/graphics/gold-silver-and-bronze-metal-stars/ -
Elementary School
I started Kindergarten at age five, at Alexander Doniphan Elementary School. My teacher was Ms. Mac (currently known as Mrs. Z) and had Mr. Nicewinger as our principal. I had a blast in Kindergarten! One of my most memorable memories from this time, is when I learned about scheme one day, then asked my mom if she knew what it was, to see if I knew something she didn't, and she said that she didn't know what it was. I felt so proud of myself then.
Picture Link: http://www.remax-midstates.com/kans -
When I was in second grade, I had already found out that I got into PEAK, I headed on the school bus to Ridgeview, to meet Mrs. Foust my PEAK teacher. I forgot exaclty what we did on that day, but I know that one time we had to innovate a new design for a fork, then Mrs. Foust brought actual pasta for us to test our forks on! I thought that that was always the best.
Picture Link: http://hermelness.com/gifted-and-talented-children/ -
Talent Show
When I was in 3rd grade, my school put on a talent show. I decided to audition and got in! I sang the song "Birds" that I learned in a summer singing camp once. That was the first time I ever sang in front of a ig group of people.
Picture Link: http://www.freegreatpicture.net/stage-venue/beautiful-hd-pictures-stage-9846 -
First Pair of Point Shoes
I had been doing ballet for five years when, suddenly at Christmas, I got my first pair of point shoes! I was so overjoyed with happiness, that I started to get teary eyed. It was rated, in my mind, number one present of the year! Currently, I'm on my second pair and still have the box that I first saw my point shoes in.
Picture Link: http://us.blochworld.com/ballet-pointe-shoes -
5th Grade Ended
I was very sad at 5th grade graduation, but it also meant that I had I whole NEW adventure ahead of me! The teachers played a slide show in the gym of our 5th grade year, and also called each of us up, one-by-one, to receive your certificates. This was definitely a bittersweet day.
Picture Link: https://ucf.collegiatelink.net/organization/bswsa/cal endar /details/ 370386 -
First Cinderella Performance
Cinderella is the first musical that I've been in, in middle school. I was the rat/coachman and I was happy to be able to ride the carriage (even if it DID almost fall off the stage one time...)! I also got to dance at he ball. I was disspapointed when it finally had to all end, but I guess that means that I had a lot of fun when I was at rehearsals!
Picture Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2947910/Cinderella-s-glass-slipper-gets-fashion-forward-makeover-world-s-shoe-designers-inc