LMS5 - Kallie S. - Timeline

  • I am born

    I am born
    I was born in Lubbock, Texas at 10:07 am.
  • I move to Liberty from Texas

    I move to Liberty from Texas
    I lived in Lubbock, Texas near my grandma, grandpa, great grandma, and great grandpa because my mom went to TTU. Picture:
    google images
  • My sister is born

    My sister is born
    My sister loves Harry Potter so I went to this link
    and made a Harry Potter font for her birthday this year.
  • My first day of school at Schumacher

    My first day of school at Schumacher
    On my first day of school I went to Lillian Schumacher Elementary. When I was in 3rd grade, it was my sisters first day. Picture:
  • My sister's first day of school

    My sister's first day of school
    My sister started Kindergarten when I was in 3rd grade. She had the same teacher I had when I was in Kindergarten.
  • I move

    I move
    I moved from my old house (close to Schumacher) to my new house (farther from Schumacher). We still went to the same Schumacher and were going to go to LMS. I was in 5th grade when we moved. Picture:
    google maps
  • I come to LMS

    I come to LMS
    When I went to summer school before 6th grade my locker combo on my schedule was wrong so I had to get the janitor to give me the right combo. Picture:
  • I get my cat Waffles

    I get my cat Waffles
    Her birthday is on November 1st, and she is a short hair, domestic, female, orange, tabby cat.