The day I was born
I was bon on December 20 2002. When my mom left the hostpital it was my sisters 2nd birthday. So my birthday is two days before my sisters. We had birthdays together for a long time.
IMG source:
https://lh4.ggpht.com/2xghbxxZGI5WF4eGEFs1ebfj93dc_2kN8SfyJQCMR8EZGVmY3rKl7AAWNcHKYZ953Jk1=w300 -
First time I went to Mexico
The first time I went to Mexico was when I was like 2 months old with my sister that was 2 yrs old. We went to mexico to stay with my grandparents because my parents had to work and we didn't have a babysitter. IMG source:
http://www.bmiresearch.com/sites/default/files/Mexico.png -
My first day of Kindergarten
On the first day of kindergarten I was very nervous. I met so many best friends. I did not see all my friends because I had to move school because we moved. I also meet friends there but in second grade I had to move again.
IMG source: http://www.westperry.org/cms/lib/PA09000117/Centricity/Domain/51/school.gif -
First bike
My first bike I got when I was 6. I still have my first bike. When I used to live by my friends we would always ride down a big hill and go down by the parking lots. Me and my friends would most of the time go outside and ride our bikes.
IMG Source:
http://anythingforbaby.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/265x265/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/g/i/girls_bike.jpg -
First phone
I got my first phone when I was 10. I liked muying cases for my phone. I had more cases for my first phone than I do with the phone I have now. My sister now uses my old phone.
IMG source: http://phonerepairplus.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/iphone-4-s-repair1.jpg -
First day of Middle school
On the first day of middle school I was even more nervous because I didn't know if my teachers were going to be mean or nice. Also because the school I went to was BIG so it was really easy to get lost. I also was excited to see my freinds
IMG source: http://web.liberty.k12.mo.us/news/headlines/new-high-school-logos/image