Lizzie/Josie Saltzman Fic (Redemancy)

  • Axel Frost Born

  • Adelina Morton Born

  • Denver Frost Born

  • Lizzie & Josie Saltzman Born

  • Alaric and Caroline establish Salvatore Boarding School for the gifted with Jeremy and Dorian, aided by a mysterious donor

  • Hope Mikaelson visits the Salvatore School for the Young & Gifted with Hayley Marshall-Kenner

  • Alaric takes in Alyssa at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. She begins causing problems with Josie and Lizzie

  • Cordelia Frost Born

  • Emma Snow Death

  • Alyssa Chang seriously burns Lizzie Saltzman, sending her to the emergency room

  • Emma Tig wipes Alyssa's memories, giving her a fresh start at the school

  • Cassie is killed in a car accident caused by Rafael Waithe

  • Alaric and Hope rescue Rafael and Landon and bring them back to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted

  • Josie burns her ex, Penelope Park

  • Alaric has MG compel Landon again and sends him off. Rafael stays at the boarding school. Dorian discovers that Landon stole an artifact from the memorial library and he wasn't compelled

  • The boarding school is busy preparing for their annual football game against Mystic Falls High School. Ultimately, and as usual, they lose. Lizzie punches Dana Lilien and starts a riot at the football game

  • Lizzie, Josie, Kaleb, MG, and others are forced to do community service for their actions at the annual charity football game which resulted in a riot between the schools

  • Lizzie encounters the gargoyle and traps it inside the boundary of the school with a spell. Josie and Hope use magic to kill the Gargoyle

  • Given tension with Mystic Falls High school, Alaric requests volunteers to go to school under the guise of an exchange program meant to improve relations

  • Rafael joins Jed's pack

  • The Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted starts an honor council and holds an election. Emma provides a voice for the younger grades, Josie the witches, Kaleb the vampires, Rafael the werewolves, and Hope for herself, the only tribrid

  • Rafael becomes Alpha of the Salvatore Boarding School Pack. Jed runs away from the school after picking a fight with Landon and injuring him

  • Lizzie and Josie celebrate their sweet sixteen

  • To stop the Necromancer's plan to retrieve the supernatural knife, Lizzie and Josie siphon the magic that resurrected Jo, who was previously at peace

  • Cassie is resurrected by the Necromancer

  • It's Remembrance Day

  • MG attempts to learn from Kaleb how to feed on humans, though he begins to lose control

  • Hope, Landon, and Alaric return to the Salvatore boarding school. Hope tells Alaric what they did over the past couple of days and skews the truth from Landon. Hope however asks Landon to be her boyfriend

  • Pedro is awakened during a nightmare with the Night Hag; She also visits MG's, Alaric's, and Rafael's dreams

  • Ablah, a Jinni comes to steal the urn and uses Lizzie to grant her various wishes

  • Lizzie and Josie come back to school after their trip to Europe to visit their mother

  • The next monster comes in the guise of a unicorn, though the real threat was a parasitic, mind-controlling slug

  • Alaric, mind-controlled by one of the slugs, throws the urn into the river at Wickery Bridge

  • Josie admits to having had a crush on Hope three years ago

  • After a six-hour drive, they make it to Maple Hollows, South Carolina. Alaric drops Dorian off at the Silverstone Dam to dive upstream at a bend in the river to search for the urn

  • They fight a mummy and kill it

  • Landon resurrects in a burst of fire. Alaric alludes that Landon's supernatural status could be that of a phoenix due to rising from his ashes after he was killed

  • Landon has been deemed supernatural and begins classes at the boarding school. It's a week leading up to Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, which the school is hosting

  • The Miss Mystic Falls Pageant is held at the Salvatore school

  • Josie and Lizzie get into a fight

  • Landon gets kidnapped by Veronica Greasley and taken to Triad Industries

  • Lizzie and Josie are still in a fight

  • It is revealed that Ryan and Landon are half brothers and that Malivore is their father

  • Hope, Josie, Lizzie and Kaleb are planning to save Landon but Triad has already arrived at the gates of the school

  • Josie and Lizzie made up after the fight

  • Hope is the loophole that can stop Malivore, she is a tribrid, a being with of all three protected species - a witch, a werewolf, and a vampire. She sacrificed herself by jumping into Malivore. erased her from the collective consciousness

  • Burr shot Josie and they used Hope's blood to heal her

  • The Salvatore School experiences financial difficulties but remains officially a school in Virginia.

  • The Salvatore School ends its academic year and the students leave for summer vacation

  • Josie stays in Mystic Falls to watch over Alaric and Lizzie travels with Caroline in Europe while seeking therapy

  • Josie + Landon begin to hang out and develop a friendship and blossoms into a relationship

  • Josie talks to Lizzie about her "friendship" with Landon. She admits the summer has been fun

  • A new fall semester and school year begins for the Salvatore and Mystic Falls High Schools

  • Sebastian awakens from his desiccation in a diminished state and meets Lizzie Saltzman. He tells her to stay away from him

  • Josie and Landon go on their first date, but it does not go well

  • Sebastian and Lizzie share their first kiss. While they kiss, MG spies on them, though he only sees Lizzie

  • Josie uses black magic and breaks Ethan's arm

  • The Mystic Falls High School and Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted participate in their Annual Charity Football Game

  • MG makes Lizzie think she's having a psychotic break by showing her a video of her and "Sebastian" and he's not physically there.

  • Lizzie confronts Hope, who's guarding the Malivore portal, about her restored memories.

  • The Keeper is released from Malivore and traps Lizzie and Hope in a labyrinth with a minotaur.

  • The Salvatore school hosts an 80s Decade Dance.

  • Josie heads to New Orleans to find Freya Mikaelson to help her with a spell. With Freya's help, she finishes the spell to restore the memories lost due to supernatural influence - Malivore.

  • Commonwealth Day in Mystic Falls.

  • The croatoan targets Lizzie for her secrets of Hope Mikaelson.

  • Josie arrives back in Mystic Falls and uses the spell to restore the lost memories of Hope, as well as Sebastian's missing memories related to his witch lover Cassandra that originally summoned the croatoan.

  • Ryan Clark, magically disguised as Professor Vardemus tricks Josie into creating a dark object. Ryan planned on using it to transfer his conscious mind into Hope's body (to become a tribrid) as a means to threaten his father, Malivore.

  • Landon and Josie come up with a plan to close the portal to Malivore. They create "Simulandon" and pump him full of Hope's blood. This will close the portal and Simulandon will disintegrate when the moon reaches its apex.

  • The newest Malivore monster, Krampus, comes to Mystic Fall, with it bringing Christmas cheer and a winter wonderland.

  • Lizzie Saltzman enchants a daylight ring for Sebastian. Sebastian and Lizzie have sex for the first time.

  • Alaric Saltzman is welcomed back into his position of headmaster at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted.

  • Ryan, in full control of Simulandon's body, decides to do right by Hope and go to the Malivore portal to close it. Hope casts a spell to glamour the appearance from that of Simulandon to Ryan's previous appearance.

  • The Necromancer recreates the portal to Malivore.

  • Malivore releases a Qareen.

  • The witches create an ascendant and transport the mora miserium to the 2028 Prison World.

  • It's "Coven Day", Emma Tig returns to the Salvatore School under the guise of spearheading it, however, she has returned to deal with a problem student, Alyssa Chang.

  • Alyssa confronts Emma, revealing that she knows what she did. She wiped Emma's memories of her confessing.

  • Unbeknownst to everyone, Alyssa has taken the 2018 ascendant and, through a linking spell and sends Alaric, Josie, and Lizzie to the Prison World.

  • Pothos is released from Malivore.

  • Pothos causes chaos with romance: Dorian and Emma get married, Jed professes his love to Emma, Hope stabs Alyssa with an obsession arrow, thinking she'd reveal the location of the ascendant.

  • Alyssa attacks Kym, under the influence of the obsession arrow. Kym leaves the Salvatore School.

  • Alaric, Lizzie, and Josie find themselves transported to the 2018 Prison World. Sebastian, Jade, Wendy, and Diego were previously banished to the Prison World.

  • Kai saves Josie from Jade. She attempts to work with him to find a way out of the Prison World, though he's working with Jade and double-crosses her.

  • Sebastian tricks Lizzie into drinking wine laced with his blood and an attempt to spare her from death by turning her into a vampire.

  • Pothos is indirectly killed, via poisoning, by Landon when the former consumed the latter's heart.

  • Josie breaks the mora miserium.

  • Kai learns how to escape the Prison World by way of Malivore, which he learned from Josie.

  • Kai is released from Malivore.

  • Josie, consumed with dark magic, forces Jade's humanity back on.

  • Josie frees them from the Prison World, though Diego is left behind after he tries to kill Alaric, while Sebastian becomes the anchor to hold the magic that can't be transported.

  • Alaric decapitates Kai.

  • Because of her humanity, she's able to help Alaric stabilize Lizzie after a car accident.

  • Lizzie and Josie celebrate their seventeenth birthday. [14] Josie is still under the influence of black magic and puts on a display of power at the Salvatore School. Ultimately, she wants to perform the Merge early.

  • Lizzie and Josie perform the Merge. Josie is stronger and wins but Hope's potion protected her mind from being absorbed. Hope's plan B consists of infiltrating Josie's mind to find the good part of her that's suppressed by the dark magic.

  • Josie kills Alyssa and the Necromancer reanimates her to become his acolyte.

  • Josie learns that the Merge failed as she can’t feel Lizzie's subconsciousness.

  • The Necromancer still wants to proceed and raise Malivore but Josie forces her will over him. To get the black magic out of Josie and her out of his life, he makes a bargain with Alaric to cast an unbreakable covenant spell.

  • Lizzie, disguised as Hope, plans her own funeral. Hope, unconscious and still in Josie's mind is cloaked to resemble Lizzie's body. Hope breaks through to Josie's good side to change the narrative of her story and she's able to subdue her darkness.

  • Josie places her siphon power into a coin, effectively becoming powerless.

  • Alyssa is on a rampage against Josie for killing her after she's resurrected. She attempts to turn the witches against Josie.

  • Landon plans to sacrifice his phoenix energy to save Rafael; however, Lizzie can't siphon from him, learning that he's human. When the Necromancer raised him, he was human as the Golden Arrow felled the phoenix part of him.

  • The school throws Rafael a goodbye part at the Old Mill.

  • Unable to prevent Rafael from dying, Hope realizes they can save his body by banishing him to the 2028 prison world that the Salvatore witches previously created.

  • Alyssa warns MG that the Necromancer has sent a monster to distract the school as he prepares for his big, evil plan.

  • MG learns that Robin is the monster, but forgets.

  • Lizzie is frustrated with her own mind, afraid that she'll never get that moment of clarity like her mother.

  • Robin breaks Josie's arm, though she doesn't remember and believes she fell. Jade resets Josie's arm and reveals to her that she's leaving the school. She suggests that she could do the same, to see what other opportunities await her.

  • Lizzie gets a letter from Caroline, providing her some direction and perspective of her own life and development, that becoming a vampire wasn't the singular moment that completely changed her.

  • The Salvatore students celebrate a victory over the Necromancer and Malivore. Hope returns to the school, though nobody remembers her. She learns the purge spell from Josie to restore their memories of her.

  • Alyssa, Lizzie, and Josie create a new prison world and banish the Necromancer, Malivore and all the monsters linked to them, Hope and Landon to the prison world. They also moved all the spells Alyssa linked from their world to the prison world.

  • Lizzie searches for her "frenemy's goo-ified phoenix boyfriend" in the prison world with MG. They come up empty handed.

  • Josie takes a tour of Mystic Falls High School and meets Finch. She bumps into Ethan who stayed behind in Mystic Falls. Sheriff Mac and Maya moved to Savannah.

  • Josie begins her first day of school at Mystic Falls High School. Dorian and Finch greet her at her locker. She and Finch continue to bond.

  • The Salvatore School tours prospective students. Cleo Sowande and Gaby join the school.

  • Lizzie proposes a fundraiser month, but with a property tax lien of $90,000 coming due within the week, Lizzie moves up the activities to a single day.

  • A new portal from Malivore opens and a leprechaun appears at the school. Lizzie uses his supernatural abilities to make fundraiser day a success but things quickly get out of hand.

  • Hope dreams of finding Landon in the prison world. She wants to rescue him, but Alaric wants proof since it’s crawling with monsters and Malivore. Lizzie accompanies Hope and finds a letter from Landon

  • Lizzie ultimately betrays MG for Josie's wellbeing.

  • Hope guilts Josie into helping her when Lizzie sides with MG. Not wanting to risk Josie being exposed to magic again, she performs the spell with Hope to open a portal to the prison world.

    However, it's radioactive with black magic and the spell goes awry. Josie attempts to intervene and they are all exposed to black magic. Landon emerges from the portal and destroys the ascendant.
  • MG transfers to Mystic Falls. He and Josie are staying with Elena in town.

  • Ethan reveals to Josie and MG that he's been cut from the football team.

  • Alaric goes to see Dorian about the unknown artifact and to check up on Josie after being exposed to black magic.

  • A gremlin appears at the school and causes trouble between Hope and Lizzie and eventually kidnaps Cleo. Landon, Hope, Kaleb, and Lizzie rescue Cleo and defeat the gremlin.

  • Lizzie learns that Finch is a werewolf.

  • MG and Lizzie confront Finch and dive into her memories, learning how she activated her curse.

  • Hope is attacked by the berbalang and slowly transforms into one. With Josie and Wade's help, Landon saves her. However, Wade notices that something is off with Landon.

  • Hope learns that Landon is not actually Landon, but a golem created by Cleo.

  • Alaric wants to seal Cleo back into the artifact for attempting to kill Hope but Cleo shares her memories with Kaleb and Josie and they persuade Alaric to not go through with it. Alaric confronts Cleo and ultimately decides to let Cleo go

    but tells her that she'll always have a home at the school.
  • Josie tricks Hope into going to the Wellness Retreat for Witches that Lizzie went to because of her recent breakup with Landon.

    However, the retreat appears to be more of a cult, led by Andi. She's bound by an unbreakable covenant spell to perform a summoning ritual or die, should she fail. With her plan stopped, she sacrifices herself as she's dead otherwise.
  • Andi throws the Triad drug on Hope, Lizzie, and Josie. They experience a shared hallucination.

  • Hope is swayed to work with Ryan to locate Malivore. They steal the car and leave Lizzie and Josie stranded at a gas station. Hope and Ryan track the portal to Alexandria, but only find Cleo and Landon.

  • Hope, Lizzie, and Josie recover from their hallucination. They discover that Andi raised Ryan Clarke.

  • They confine Malivore to a cage in the gymnasium at the school.

  • Hope shares Cleo's memory with Kaleb, MG, Wade, Jed and Josie and they work together to get the Transfusion Ritual ready to be performed on Malivore, in Landon's body, and Ryan Clarke

  • Salvatore School do community service for last year's football fiasco and host Movie in the Square. Kaleb and Lizzie are volunteered by Alaric to supervise the students. Ethan and Lizzie spend the day as a "date", while MG spies on her from a distance.

  • Josie and Finch have known each other for three weeks

  • The dybbuk goes on a short lived rampage, knocks out Ethan and kidnaps Lizzie. She's rescued by Kaleb and Hope. The latter transfers the dybbuk out of Ryan, saving him in the process.

    The Transfusion Ritual works, though to Malivore's advantage. He's forced a transference of a dybbuk as opposed to himself to Ryan.
  • Alaric, Lizzie, Josie, Wade, MG, Dorian, and other students have a last meal celebration for Hope.

  • Hope asks Lizzie and Josie to send her to the 2028 prison world to talk to Rafael about Landon.

  • Lizzie and MG head to Mystic Falls High School and encounter Ethan. Ultimately, Lizzie siphons him, freeing him from Malivore. However, Ethan was transformed into a supernatural being and elected to join the Salvatore School.

  • With his consent, Hope stabs Landon with her blood sword, killing him and destroying Malivore.

  • Josie, Finch, Wade and Jed remain at the school to try and summon Landon and Cleo from out of Malivore's Darkness. Josie's first attempt turns her back into Dark Josie, though Finch accepts her darkness and breaks her hold, turning her back.

    During her second attempt, Josie frees Cleo.
  • Finch and Ethan organize a vigil for Lizzie and Josie with the school in attendance.

  • Lizzie and Josie, MG, travel through Alaric's consciousness in an attempt to wake him from his coma. Eventually Lizzie and MG make contact and she and Alaric have their final moments together before they're expelled from his mind.

    Though his body is stable, his mind is gone, though Lizzie vows to find a way to bring him back.
  • Lizzie reaches out to Hope and seemingly is able to turn her humanity back on. Once Lizzie helps Hope switch bodies with Aurora, Aurora is forced to flee.

  • Cleo realizes that Nature created balance near the site of the tribrid's birth with the Red Oak tree that Hope, Lizzie, and Josie created.

  • Kaleb, MG, Ethan, Jed, Wade, and Josie train in the Therapy box on how to deal with Hope, though they're easily overwhelmed and some of them still struggle with their powers.

    Kaleb resigns and lets MG become the leader of the squad since their trust in him has wavered for betraying them to Malivore.
  • Lizzie finds a spell that could bring Alaric back, however it requires a human sacrifice. Lizzie contemplates going through with the spell, and nearly does; however, the dying man's daughter prompts her to not go through with it.

    Seeking help, she decides to use the therapy box.
  • Josie tries reaching Hope by unleashing Dark Josie; however, that, too, fails and Hope ends up trapping her within the therapy box.

  • Lizzie experiences a western-themed simulation in the therapy box. Finding her way out, she learns of a way to fix Hope.

  • Hope returns to the Salvatore School to raid Alaric's weapons stash. In an attempt to switch her humanity back on, MG, Josie, and Cleo come up with Salvatore Idol. Their attempts fail.

  • In Josie's therapy box simulation, she's a medical doctor interning at Mikaelson Memorial Hospital.

  • Ethan trains with MG to learn to control his powers, though Lizzie takes him away needing his help.

  • Unknown to them, Lizzie and MG witnessed their entire conversation while cloaked under Lizzie's magic. Lizzie recovers two pieces of wood that survived from the tree, fashioning one into a stake that she intends to use against Hope.

    Cleo shares her burden of the Red Oak tree with MG and ultimately decides to burn the chopped wood.
  • MG calls a meeting; only Cleo and newly official Ethan joins. Lizzie is MIA and no one has seen Jed or Kaleb.

  • Lizzie, with the Red Oak stake in hand, locates Hope, although she learns it's actually Aurora. Hope is still in Aurora's body and on the run. Lizzie conspires to work with Aurora, hoping to trap Hope within a sarcophagus, but Lizzie betrays her.

  • Hope reveals to Lizzie that he didn't flip her humanity back on and that it was all a trick. Wanting to make it a point, she breaks Lizzie's neck, killing her. Lizzie later wakes up in transition.

  • Josie decides to leave Mystic Falls, putting her relationship with Finch on hold, since she remains behind at the school to watch over the pack with Jed injured.

  • Ethan comes clean about lying to MG about Lizzie and the Red Oak Stake; MG tells him to leave.

  • He learns that she's a fully activated tribrid with her humanity off and trying to let Lizzie starve and die before completing her transition into a vampire. He traps her inside a chambre de chase.

    Hope attempts to get Professor Vardemus to help her learn more about the sarcophagus.
  • Lizzie learns that she was turned into a vampire inadvertently using Hope's blood. She's also sire bonded to her.

  • Hope and Lizzie come across the carnival in which Hope uses the opportunity for Lizzie to train her newfound vampire powers. They end up investigating Valentina’s death and killing the vampires.

  • After the school is infected with blue calamus and are forced to tell the truth, Jed gives Ben the cold shoulder and avoids him. Ultimately, he declares to Finch that he likes him.

  • Aurora continues to use her dissipating inspiration to research the gods until she’s apprehended by Lizzie and Hope.

    Hope tortures Aurora for information. Though strong willed, she ends up divulging her information to Lizzie while in one of her episodes, believing her to be her dead brother, Tristan.
    Hope tries to force Lizzie, via the sire bond, to kill Aurora, but Lizzie ultimately breaks the bond and breaks Hope's neck, rescuing Aurora in the process.
  • Landon comes clean about what he's learned from Wade about Hope, Lizzie, and Josie.

  • Hope returns to Mystic Falls.

  • Hope intends to manipulate Alaric to give her an army, via the school, to combat the gods, which she inadvertently set Lizzie, and Aurora, down on that path.

  • Lizzie and Aurora try to work through their issues, but eventually part ways to search for the gods independently. Lizzie gets caught in Jen's trap, but Aurora, who followed her, saves her.

    Lizzie agrees to a covenant spell and the two are bound together, meaning they can't betray or back out on one another.
  • Jed comes clean about his feelings for Ben and the two share their first kiss.

  • Jen talks about her family with Lizzie and Aurora. They learn that Ben unknowingly holds the key to the sarcophagi. They return to the Salvatore School and Lizzie discovers that her father is out of his coma.

  • Aurora and Lizzie hold Ben captive. Lizzie is convinced to let Ben join them in waking Chronos, but Aurora isn't. While Lizzie distracts Jen, Aurora extracts the Key from Ben's body.

  • Jen convinces Lizzie to return to the Salvatore School. She reunites with her father and MG

  • Hope struggles with her humanity-less self who's fighting to regain control. Lizzie helps her overcome that part of her.

  • Ken arrives at the school. Hope puts everyone except Lizzie under a sleeping spell and the two fight Ken

  • MG and Lizzie work to find out what's happening with Ethan's powers. They use the pukwudgie as a test subject getting it to use its powers.

    In doing so, the pukwudgie dies. Lizzie discovers that it's lifespan is infinite and tied to its powers, meaning Ethan will die should he continue to use them.
  • Lizzie decides to be the one to denote the god-bomb and reciprocates her feelings with MG.