
Liz's Life

  • Elizabeth Veronica Peterson is born

    Elizabeth Veronica Peterson is born
    Born to parents Jed and Courtney Peterson. Born in San Diego, California.
  • Liz commits her first murder

    Liz commits her first murder
    Liz decides to go down the path of injustice and violence. She commits her first murder by turnip.
  • Liz moves to Plattsburgh, NY

    Liz moves to Plattsburgh, NY
    Liz and her family (with sisters) move to NY.
  • Liz starts practicing cardiac surgeries on dolls

    Liz starts practicing cardiac surgeries on dolls
    Liz really wants to be a surgeon, so she practices on dolls. They are very life-like.
  • Liz starts Kindergarten

    Liz starts Kindergarten
    Liz first goes to school! Awww! Too bad she doesn't listen in class.
  • Liz commits 34th murder

    Liz commits 34th murder
    Liz is very proud of her 34th murder. She is very succesfully evil.
  • Liz gets a dog

    Liz gets a dog
    Liz gets a dog. It's a black-lab husky mix, and is very territorial and mean. Just like Liz.
  • Liz kills her first patient

    Liz kills her first patient
    Liz is now a fake surgeon. She kills her first patient. Oh well, better luck next time!!
  • Liz gets a sex change

    Liz gets a sex change
    Liz decides to get a sex change to become a man for real.
  • Liz moves to Grantham, NH

    Liz moves to Grantham, NH
    Liz loves NH because there's only two seasons: summer and winter. And a week of fall.
  • Liz goes into high school

    Liz goes into high school
    Which is actually high school musical, as pictured. She is Troy.
  • Liz meets Rose Munsey-Kano

    Liz meets Rose Munsey-Kano
    This is the most monumental moment of Liz's sad, sad life so far.
  • Rose and Liz become engaged

    Rose and Liz become engaged
    Liz proposes to Rose. Rose says no the first seventeen times but the eighteenth time she finally says yes.
  • Rose and Liz have a Jewish civil union

    Rose and Liz have a Jewish civil union
    Neither Rose or Liz is Jewish, but Liz demands a Jewish wedding. Who knows.
  • Liz conceives triplets

    Liz conceives triplets
    Liz, who actually is now a male, is unfortunately still pregnant. That'll be a painful delivery!!
  • Liz grows a backbone

    Liz grows a backbone
    For a very long time, Liz did not have a backbone. After she grows one, she realizes she can have a voice of her own and stand up for herself for once.