Live and Love

By sthao
  • Jordan's decision to settle down: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Jordan's decision to settle down: Intimacy versus Isolation
    Jordan was 21 years old when he decided to marry Rose. They both agreed to commit to one another and live as a whole and not as two halves. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between being able to share emotions and love another person dearly in a relationship (intimacy) or not showing that other person you love or care for them in a relationship.
  • Jordan's first child: Generativity versus Stagnation

    Jordan's first child: Generativity versus Stagnation
    Jordan had his first child, Mylee. Mylee would sleep with Jordan and his wife in their room because he wanted to be able to see her at all times. He wanted to keep her safe because she meant the world to him. In Erikson's seventh stage, genrativity versus stagnation, the crisis is being able to have a sense of urgency and concern for your family or loved ones and not just concern about your own well-being.
  • Jordan learns how to deal with his teen daughter: Industry versus Inferiority

    Jordan learns how to deal with his teen daughter: Industry versus Inferiority
    Jordan learned that with having a teen daughter he should be strict with her yet still, let her enjoy her life as a teen and not be too controlling of her life. He realize by being too controlling, his daughter might end up hating him and being more rebellious. In Erikson's fourth stage, Industry versus Inferiority, the crisis is accepting and learning how to deal with a situation instead of stressing out and causing more difficulties in life.