US/Great Britain
Original Country/Region~ British Empire
Countries Created~ United States
History/Explanation~ It became too expensive to continue fighting and the British wanted America as a trading post. -
Sardinia & Mezzogiorno/Italy
Original Country/Region~ Austrian Empire
Countries Created~ Italy
Type~ Political
History/Explanation~ The Italians opted for a republican constitution -
League of Nations (post WWI)
Countries~ Costa Rica, Brazil, Germany
Type~ Political
Purpose~ To propose an international organization for all the states of the world. -
Ireland/Great Britain
Original Country/Region~ British Empire
Countries Created~ Ireland
Type~ Cultural/Religious
History/Explanation~ The Irish didn't want a Protestant ruler, being Catholic. -
PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)
Countries~ Egypt, Syria, Iran
Type~ Political
Purpose: To push for a Palestine state. -
ICO (Islamic Conference Organization)
Countries~ Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Most of M.E, North Africa
Type~ Cultural
Purpose~ To promote Islamic solidarity by making social, economic, scientific & cultural activities. -
Soviet Union
Original Countires/Region~ Eurassian Empire
Countries Created~ Russia
Type~ Economic
History/Explanation~ They were dependent on oil to sustain their economy; when the prices dropped, so did they. -
Original Country/Region~Chechoslovakia, Bohemia, Moravia
Courties Created~ Czech Republic & Slovakia
Type~ Economic
History/Explanation~ The west (Czech Republic) was economically industrialized while the east (Slovakia) wasn't, granting the west a larger portion of the share from EU. In order to get a larger share, Slovakia became independent. -
Countries~ France, West Germany, Italy
Type~ Economic
Purpose~ To make European countries more competitive by making a common currency and eliminating tariffs. -
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
Countries~ Canada, Us, Mexico
Type~ Economic
Purpose~ To become more economically succseful by eliminating tariffs on traded goods between the countries