Little Rock Nine

By Wattsli
  • little rock nine attempt to go to school

    little rock nine attempt to go to school
    on September 3, 1957 the little rock nine attempted to enter an all white central high school. Unfortunately they were stopped by guards, sent to stop them from entering the school.
  • little rock nine enters high school

    The little rock nine is taken threw a back door into the schools by teachers.
  • Little Rock 9 gets a guard

    Little Rock 9 gets a guard
    The Little Rock 9 were assigned a guard ,by Eisenhower, for extra safety just in case. Unfortunately they were all unwilling to do the job and their performance was less because of this.
  • Governor Faubus's announcement

    Governor Faubus's announcement
    On September 26, 1957 Governor Faubus made a televised announcement that enraged segregationists and helped turn the tides of the civil rights movement.
  • Little Rock 9 receives award

    Little Rock 9 receives award
    In 1958 the Little Rock 9 were honored with the NAACP's highest recognition the Spingarn Medal.
  • Ernest Green graduates

    At the end of the year Ernest Green graduated and became the first African American to graduate from a central high school.
  • Desegregation in schools begins

    In 1959 the Supreme court ruled that the school board must open schools and resume desegregating the city schools