Brown v. Board of Education
This supreme court trial was about desegregating schools. The results of this case determined that segregating schools violated the equal protection of the 14th amendment. This allowed black students into public school. -
First day of class
This day marked the first day of class where these 9 black students were supposed to start their public educations. Governor Orval Faubus called the Arkansas national guard to block these 9 students from entering the school. -
President Eisenhower Involvement
This event is when this historic event received national attention. Later in the month of September, 1957, President Eisenhower sent in federal troops to escort the 9 students into the high school. -
Ernest Green
After extreme harassment and violence in the high school, Ernest Green was the only senior to graduate out of the 9 students. Green became the first African American student to graduate Little Rock Central High school. At the graduation ceremony, Martin Luther King Jr. came to watch Ernest Green graduate.