Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Short-Lived Pony Express runs from Missouri to California
Period: to
Emily Dickinon wrote several 100 poems including the loaded gun
Emily Dickinson
Civil War Ends
Lincoln Assasinated
Thirteenth Amendment Ratified
13th Amendment: prohibited slavery -
Mark Twain's Notorious Jumping Frog of Calavera's County
14th Amendment
Guaranteed Citizenship to those born in the United States but excluded Natives -
First Transcontinental Railroad Completed
Susan B. Anthony
She was elected President of American Equall Rights Association -
15th Amendment Ratified
Gvae the right to African American Men to vote -
Indian Appropiation
This ends the treaties with the tribes as sovereign nations. -
Economic Panic Begins
Alexander Graham Bell Invents the Telephone
provides faster communication -
Jim Crow Laws begin
Daisy Miller by Henry James
Female lawyers
Female lawyers permitted to argue before the supreme court -
Financial depression Ends
Thomas Edison invents the electric lightbulb
Period: to
Mssive Immigration From Europe
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twaine
Tailors' strike in New York City
brings attention to sweatshops -
Daws Act
Permits the president to divide tribally owned lands into individual allotments to be held in trust for 25 years, with surplus lands to be sold to non Indians. This led to Natives losing 90 million acres of land -
Ellis Island Immigration Station Opens
No more "free" or unoccupied land declared
by U.S. Bureau of the Census. Sitting Bull was also killed this year. -
The Yellow Wall Paper by Charlotte Perkins
Maggie: A girl from the streets by Stephen Crane
Desiree's Baby by Kate Chopin
Ghost Dance Songs by James Mooney
Sister Carrie by Theodore Drieser
Booker T Washigton : Up From Slavery
Dawes Act repealed