By acero10
  • 450

    Old English period 450-1066

    Old English period 450-1066
    Anglo Saxon literature, vikings invasions, earliest poetry that is written in a single metre. this year the Norman French conquest of England. the Germanic tribes from Europe in the 5th century, after the Roman withdraw,brough with the old English, or Anglo -saxon language, which is the basis of modern English. They bought a poetic tradition, the formal character of which remained surprisingly constant until the termination of their rule by the Norman french invaders 6 century later.
  • 1066

    Middle English 1066-1500

    Anglo Norman period originally a hardly race of sea routs inhaviting in the age of chaucer and charactherized by a common etno-cultural Germanic heritage and relatedlanguages that includes the three kingdoms of (demmark,Norway and Sweeding). Chaucer was the famous poet of 14th century. he is the father of English poetry.Chaucers potential works are broadly divided :
    1 French period
    2 Italian period
    3 English period.
    Chaucers chief works:
    Hotenenglishliterature,blogspotcantembury tales.
  • 1500

    English Renassance 1500-1660

    English Renassance 1500-1660
    It means rebirth, it started in italy but it began in England 1500. BC, the salient features reinaissance are: Humanism, Aestheticism Spirit of adventure, Sir Tomas Wyattfirst sonnets wich were published in a book called tottles Miscellany, Sir Thomas Moor wrote Utopia, He was a famous essayist in renaissance period.
  • Restoration Age 1660-1700

    Restoration Age 1660-1700
    Is the English literature is known as the restoration period of the age of Dryden. He was the respresentative writer of this period . The restoration of king Charles marks the beginning of a new era both in the life and the literature of England. The king was received with wild joy on his return fron exile . The change of goverment from commowealth corresponded to a change in the mood of the nation.
  • Puritan 1653-1660

    Puritan 1653-1660
    It comes from the word puritans lived by a moral and religious code meant to influence their own lives as well as impact the lives as well as impact the lives of everyone around them . The autors of puritan literature were deeply religious and wrote in a such a way to make God become easier for everyone to understand and more relevant their day to day lives. It offers instruction from a Biblical point of view. Charles sonf of james believed in the divine right and absolute power of the monarch.
  • 18th Century 1700-1798

    18th Century 1700-1798
    It is devided in three events:
    the enlightement,
    Augustain period
    the age of sensibility The first one talk about the scientific method, reasoning put over emotion decrease in church influence.
    the secon one is the age of satire,Jonathan Swift and alexander pope. sarcastic criticism of society and social relationchip. Church was weakened,
    the age of sensibility. Samuel Johnson wrote a dictionary of the English language, new literay form the novel, the Henry Fielding famous novelist.
  • Romanticism 1798-1837

    Romanticism 1798-1837
    it was a reaction against the industrial revolution and the enlightenment to be a romantic is to take the side nature against industry. the romantics viewed cities as ugly and souless. In wlilliam blakes poem Jerusalem, he links the industrial revolution to the ultimate evil and devil and was jerusalem builded here armony these dark satanic mills. the romantics challenged the scientific, sociological outlock on like that was promoted during the enlightenment.
  • Victorian Age 1837-1837

    Victorian Age 1837-1837
    It was the great age of the English novel-relistic, thickly plotted, crowded with characters and long. It was the ideal form to describe contemporary life and entertain the middle class. the novels of Charles Dickens full to overflowing with drama, humor and endless variety of vivid character and plot complications, nonetheless spare nothing in their portrayal of what urban life was like for all classes.
    William Makepeace thackeray is best known for vanity satirizes hypocresy and greed.
  • Modern Literature 1901-1940

    Modern Literature 1901-1940
    Refers to the radical shift in aesthetic and cultural sensibilities evident in the art and literature of the early twentieth century especially post world war I. Modernism marks a distinctive break with victorian morality. Modernist authors presented a pessimistic picture of a culture in disarray this despair often results in apathy and moral relativism. the development of modern industrialised societies, the rapid growth of cities, the horrors of two world wars, gender,class and race
  • Post modern literature 1940-2000

    Post modern literature 1940-2000
    Postmodern literature examines through its narratives the nature of knowledge, both deconstructing established beliefs and purporting new interpretations. One of the most exemplary of Postmodern writers is James Joyce. In his novel Ulysses, for instance, he employs the characteristic stream-of-consciousness technique which breaks from all traditional structure; he parodies the development of English literary style, as he uses the idioms and cliches of fiction and catholic church events.