Literature Appreciation Novel Assessment (actual dates not available)

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    Thorn Drunk

    Thorn has been the town drunk for many years now, getting yelled at to do something with his life, he holds a forgotten past
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    Hal the Handyman

    Hal is trying to fix a water issue in the house, but he messes up and water starts pouring out everywhere into the house. After this happens he has to clean all of it up.
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    Hal and Stig (Hal's best friend) are off to Brotherband training to learn how to be a crew on a ship and work together.
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    Brotherband Teams

    Hal and Stig get placed into a team of outcasts, including: Ulf, Wulf, Edvin, Ingvar, Jesper, and Stefan
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    So far in brotherband training the Hals crew, the Herons, are not doing that well because the other two teams both have ten members, while Hals team only has eight.
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    Building Living Quarters

    When each team has to build their living quarters, the Herons actually do the best here because Hal has worked on ships before so he understands and can visualize the area that he is building.
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    Hal has been chosen to be the skirl, the person that leads his brotherband crew.
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    As time has gone on the Herons have realized the only way to win is to outplay other teams or come up with some way to "innovate" and do something sneaky
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    The Climb

    All teams have participate in running to the top of the mountain then back, they are told to select their member. Both other teams select one team member. But the Herons remembered that the sheet that told events does not say this is a solo person trial, so they choose all of their members to go for that reason. They win even though they came in last because they had all members participate in the event.
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    The Sharks

    The team called "The Sharks" came over to the Herons group and attacked them in the middle of the night. They ended up fighting and Tursgud gave Hal a real beating until the other Brotherband group "The Wolves" showed up and their skirl Rollond ended the event.
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    The Race

    During one of the final event for Brotherband training where all teams have to race their boats the Herons are taking the lead and then the Wolves ship breaks and the Herons go back to help them, therefore sacrificing the race.
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    The Herons ended up winning the final event and becoming the top Brotherband, which means they get to guard the Andomal
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    The Andomal Has Gone Missing!

    During their guard duty they took shifts to watch the prized jewel, and the person guarding fell asleep and the Andomal was stolen, making the Herons outcasts once again after being loved by the town, the Herons are now leaving the city and searching for the Andomal