• Feb 2, 1403

    Guild Formed

    A guild of stationers was formed in London.
  • Feb 3, 1405

    Christine de Pisan

    She publishes a history of female virtue; La Cite des dames
  • Feb 3, 1408

    Limbourg Brothers

    Printed the Belles Heures in manuscript color, a private devotional book.
  • Feb 2, 1424

    Library Moved from England to France

    The first French Library moved from England to France
  • Feb 3, 1425

    Guild Hall Library

    The first Guild Hall Library was established in London
  • Feb 3, 1431

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. She was considered to be the national heroine of France.
  • Feb 3, 1434

    Cosimo Becomes Ruler

    Cosimo de' Medici, a patron of the arts, becomes the ruler of Florence.
  • Feb 2, 1444

    Library Founded

    Cosimo de' Medici founded the Laurentian Library
  • Feb 3, 1450

    Printing Press

    Johannes Gutenburg has set up the printing press as a commercial operation, thus enabling the mass production of books
  • Feb 2, 1451

    Comedy Published

    A copy of Dante's Divine Comedy was publshed
  • Feb 3, 1452

    First European Public Library

    Malatestiana Library in Cessena, Italy was the first public library.
  • Feb 2, 1455

    Bible Printed

    The Gutenburg Bible was printed
  • Feb 3, 1457

    Mainz Psalter

    First to be wholly finished mechanically and be printed in color.
    Author was Johann Fust and Peter Schoeffer
  • Feb 3, 1475

    First dated book in Hebrew

    Rashi's commentary on the Torah is the first dated book to be printed in Hebrew
  • Feb 3, 1475

    Recuyell first English printed book

    Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye is the first book to be printed in English by William Caxton
  • Feb 3, 1476

    First book with woodcut decoration

    The first book with woodcut decoration was published by Erhard Ratdolt
  • Feb 3, 1478

    Book Printer

    1st book printed in Oxford, England
  • Feb 3, 1479

    St. Albans Press

    Is set up in the Abbey Gateway, St. Albans.
  • Feb 3, 1480

    The Morall Fabillis

    Robert Henryson composed The Morall Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian
  • Feb 3, 1483

    Martin Luther Born

    Martin Luther was born
  • Feb 3, 1485

    Sir Mallory

    Sir Thomas Mallory completes Morte d' Arthur; a book
  • Feb 3, 1488

    University of Oxford Receives Books

    The Uneversity of Oxford receives their first books
  • Feb 3, 1490

    Aldine Press

    Aldine Press founded in Venice by Aldus Manutius
  • Feb 3, 1495

    Orlando Innamorato

    Romantic poem written by Italian renaissance poet Matteo Maria Boiardo
  • Feb 3, 1497

    Metamorphoses of Ovid

    An illustrated Italian version was published in Venice
  • Feb 3, 1499


    Discorso sopra le cose Pisa was written by Machiavelli