Louise Rosenblatt
She believed that all readers bring their own backgrounds, experiences, and emotions to a text, which influences their interpretation. Transactional theory of reading and writing. When you're reading literature you're engaging in it as if your two people having a conversation/ relationship (between you and the writer or you and the story). -
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
A professional organization for early childhood education professionals in the U.S. Dedicated to advocating for young children. Gave educators a voice and a say so in the young children's education and was created to fight for high quality early childhood education. -
Lucy Calkins
Calkins believed that children learned best when they enjoyed reading, so in other words children using things of their interest to help them learn. Calkins belief : Students choose their reading and writing topics, fostering engagement and ownership. She created " Units of study" which is the reading and writing curriculum.
Calkins believed that writing is a process, with distinct phases, and that ALL children, can be taught to write well. -
Critical Literacy theory
Created by Paulo Freire of Northeast of Brazil. Allows the learners to dive deeper into written text. He viewed it as a literacy tool for empowerment and social change. It was believed that Effective education is built upon a democratic relationship between equal individuals (teacher and student) who are open to learning from one another. -
Cognitive Development Theory
Jean Piaget’s theory suggests that children move through 4 different stages of intellectual development.
Sensorimotor (0-2)Children learn about world through their senses and motor behavior
Preoperational (2-7)children can use symbols to represent words, images, and ideas.
Concrete Operational 7-11)the child uses logical thinking, realize that people see the world in a different way
Formal Operational 12+ they gain the ability to think abstractly and the capacity for higher-order reasoning. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
A public law put in place to ensure that students with disabilities are given free public education. Making sure that these students were given the special education needed for them to succeed. This law gives rights and protection to students with disabilities, granting fair education and services regardless of their disability. It covers the kids from birth to twelfth grade, or the age of 21. It was originally known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) .