Literacy timeline

  • 1465

    Johannes Gutenbergs printing press is invented and developed in Europe.

  • The rate of literacy grew up 25 to 35 percent in the United States

  • Lev Vygotsky. Used constructivist approaches where students learn through active engagement.

  • Bilingual education act. This mandates schools to provide bilingual education programs.

  • Jean Piaget (1896-1980). Literacy learning is influenced by by children's cognitive stage. Piaget's theory focuses on how children learn through interaction.

  • No Child Left Behind Act. Federal law that closes the achievment gap and provides standardized testing for reading and writing.

  • citation1 Stages of Literacy Development — the Literacy bug. (2017, February 14). The Literacy Bug.

  • citation 2 The 1920s Education: Topics in the News | (n.d.).,as%2025%20to%2035%20percent.

  • citation 4 Federal/State Laws for ESL education. (n.d.).,endorsed%20funding%20for%20bilingual%20education.

  • citation 5 Lee, A. M., JD. (2023, November 22). What is No Child Left Behind (NCLB)? Understood.

  • citation 3