Literacy Timeline

By kerroco
  • 1000 BCE

    The Creation of the Alphabet

    The Phoenician people invented the first alphabet. This system included symbols that represented sounds. Phoenician traders who traveled the globe and needed to communicate with other cultures are responsible for its spread. It is a milestone in human advancement and literacy.
  • Period: to


    Recommended that early childhood education be natural.
  • Period: to


    Combined natural elements with formal instruction.
  • Period: to


    Play in learning.
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    This was a landmark U. S. Supreme Court case that decided that state laws that provided separate public schools for black and white students were unconstitutional. Using the 14th Amendment, the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was
    unconstitutional. It was decided that in fact separate was not equal. After this decision, schools became more racially integrated.
  • Montessori-Senses and Systems

    Believed that children needed early, orderly, systematic training in order to master skills. Children's curiosity and exploration are of less concern than working with a material to achieve a goal
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This Act was signed passed by Congress in 1965. It was enacted to provide funding for the education of primary and secondary school children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. One important section of this Act is called Title I. Title I provides funds for free or reduced-price school lunch based on a student’s family income. There are also funds for learning opportunities and academic support for children who are struggling with the curricula and need support to meet state standards.
  • Head Start Program

    The Head Start Program was started in 1965 during the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson. It was started to address the needs of low-income infants and children. It promotes infant and toddler literacy development. These early intervention programs significantly improve both the cognitive and health of those children it serves. The program can be done as a home-based or center-based option.
  • Dewey-Progressive Education

    Curriculum built around the interests of children and that children learn through real life settings.
  • Piaget-Cognitive Development

    Theory of cognitive development describes the intellectual capabilities of children at their different stages of cognitive development.
  • Vygotsky-Schema Acquisition

    Suggests that learning occurs as children acquire new concepts.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    This act provided inclusion to all students regardless of any disability they may have. It provides free and appropriate public education to all students with disabilities. It identifies students with disabilities and their individual needs and provides accommodations to help each student achieve his/her highest level. It creates an individualized
    education program (IEP) for each student. This IEP must contain both long-term and short-term annual goals and a method of evaluation of these goals.
  • No Child Left Behind

    This law was enacted to provide accountability for academic results as well as address the achievement gap that was expanding between students with different socioeconomic backgrounds. Accountability includes preventing teachers with provisional or emergency teaching certificates to teach. The reading requirement states that all children must have and equal opportunity to obtain a high quality education and must reach a minimal proficiency according to state standards.
  • Common Core Standards

    A set of high quality academic standards set by each state in both English/Literacy and Math. Learning goals are set for each separate grade level and children must achieve these standards. These standards are set so that high school graduates have the knowledge and skills to succeed in life, college and careers.
  • Work Cited

    Works Cited Morrison, G. S. (2018). Early childhood education today. Upper
    Saddle River, N.J:Merrill/Prentice Hall.
    Sadker, D. M. & Zittleman, K. R. (2018). Chapter 4/ The History of
    American Education. In Teachers, schools, and society: A brief
    introduction to education. New York, N.Y: McGraw-Hill Inc.
    U. S. Department of Education. (2020, August). “Laws and
    Guidance.” Retrieved