Literacy Timeline

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    Roussea was an early philosopher, writer and composer. He says that a child's early education should be natural. He believed children should only learn things when they are developmentally ready for it. Says children learn through curiosity.
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    Believed in natural learning, combined natural elements with formal instruction.Believes that children grow through manipulative experiences.
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    Believed in the natural unfolding of a child in education. He believed that education should involve an element of play.Froebel coined the term kindergarten and introduced materials, objects and various things in education to learn
  • Montessorri

    Believed that children needed early, systematic training in order to succeed. Montessorri had children using their five senses through education. Curriculum is based off the behaviorist theory. Uses the phrase emergent literacy and this is a child centered approach that focuses on social interaction and problem solving
  • Piaget

    Believes a child gains knowledge by interacting with the world. Developed the four stages of cogonotive development which include sensorimotor period, preoperational period, concrete operational period, and formal operation period.
  • Vygotsky

    Says that learning occurs as children acquire new concepts. Believes in allowing the child to work through their own problem to gain experience and an understanding.