Justyce's messed up life

  • reading

    When i was little my mom used to read me this Cinderella book every night before bed.
  • arguments

    When i was 5 i had my first argument with my brother and I've been told that it was about him stealing my food.
  • Storytime

    My mother told me when i was 6 that I was born a month early. My original due date was September 23, 2003
  • show and tell

    show and tell
    In first grade i had to get in-front of the class for a show and tell project and i remember being very nervous
  • basketball

    Around the age of 8 i would watch my brothers and their friends play basketball every day after school until I was able to play with them.
  • writing

    In second grade i remember i made a story and the title was "pink pigs always go to heaven"
  • fractured foot

    fractured foot
    When i was 10 years old my brother got a new dirt bike and he purposely ran over my foot, and I vividly remember hearing the crunch of my bones.
  • observing

    When my brothers would get in trouble because they were fighting my mom would make them stand in the corner and hug each other for at least 30 minutes.
  • 4-H camp

    4-H camp
    Out of my whole experience i remember listening to the instructor telling us how to shot a bow
  • music

    My whole childhood i remember listening to music with my grandmother, the main artist that i remember is Gretchen Wilson.