literacy timeline

  • Period: to

    my life

  • preschool teacher read cat in the hat to us

    preschool teacher read cat in the hat to us
    This introduced me to reading and how fun and enjoyable it can be.
  • learning alphabet and how to read in kindergarten

    learning alphabet and how to read in kindergarten
    This was the introduction to writing and learning the ins and outs of the alphabet. Everyday the teacher would make us read the alphabet and help us learn it.
  • Writing sentences and reading basic novels in first grade

    Writing sentences and reading basic novels in first grade
    In 1st grade is when I learned about vowels and other important aspects of writing. In this time we also would read books in free time.
  • Librarian read to us in library

    Librarian read to us in library
    In 1-4 grade we would visit the library at least 1-2 a month and we would listen to the librarian read books to us. Books like cat in the hat were read to us and we sit on the floor and listen intentively. This introduced us to reading.
  • Choose a book from the library and read

    Choose a book from the library and read
    In 5th grade we had to go the library pick a book and read it anytime we had free time. I would mostly choose diary of a wimpy kid and I would enjoy reading it.
  • Reading my first old literature novel

    Reading my first old literature novel
    I read Macbeth freshman year at Notre Dame and it was the first book I read like that ever. The language used was difficult to understand but it was a fun read and challenged me every time I read.
  • Writing essays under a time span of one class period

    Writing essays under a time span of one class period
    This was freshman year for the final in a challenging English class. We had to read an article and write a 5 paragraph essay in one hour.
  • Test essays under a time crunch

    Test essays under a time crunch
    In sophomore year I had Mrs. Plumey and we did many essays in a 1 class period time span. Every test consisted of the essay and some multiple choice questions that challenged our remembrance of certain readings and books were read.
  • Read,annotate, and pick a quote every 10 pages

    Read,annotate, and pick a quote every 10 pages
    This past summer my AP Lang teacher tasked me with reading a book throughout the whole summer, not only did I have to read but I had to thoroughly annotate the book, underline important sentences, do a plot and character development, and I had to choose a quote every 10 sentences and answer questions for each quote.