Education is important

Literacy Timeline

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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Children's learning should be natural, and only be asked to learn things they are developmentally ready for.
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    Friedrich Froebel

    Stressed the importance of play in learning, and learning requires adult guidance and a planned environment.
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    John Dewey

    He stressed the importance of a child-centered curriculum and progressive education.
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    Maria Montessori

    Teacher is a facilitator and demonstrates and supplies materials for children to learn hands on.
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    Jean Piaget

    Theory of cognitive development, believed learning is broken down in 4 stages: sensorimotor period (0-2 years), preoperational period (2-7 years), concrete operational period (7-11 years), and formal operations period (11 and up years).
  • Title IX

    Protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs that receive federal financial assistance.
  • Equal Education Opportunities Act

    All children enrolled in public schools are entitled to an equal education regardless of race, sex, color, or national origin.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Supports states and local communities in protecting the rights of infants, children, and youth with disabilities. Makes sure their rights of an education is met, as well as results of education is improved.
  • No Child Left Behind

    Improves the academic achievement of students, especially those who are disadvantaged.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Replaced the No Child Left Behind Law. This law extends more flexibility to states in education and laid out expectations for parents and communities.