Literacy Timeline

By .Dylan.
  • Earliest Memories of Reading

    Earliest Memories of Reading
    Around this time in first grade was when I first fell in love with reading. I don't remember what I use to read but I read a lot.
  • More Reading

    More Reading
    I was reading more books, books that were harder than the ones I was reading before since I improved.
  • Journalism Club

    Journalism Club
    In fourth grade I joined the journalism club at my school because one of my teachers told me I would like it. I interviewed students around the school and stayed after school writing stories, and they were in the paper.
  • Advanced Reading Group

    Advanced Reading Group
    In fourth grade I was put in a group for reading in our school. We would get pulled out of class to read and analyze works, mostly Shakespeare. The teachers for this group also recommended that I join the journalism club.
  • Hamlet

    Also due to the recommendation of the teacher that recommended me to join the journalism club, I joined the school play. That year the play they chose was Shakespeare's Hamlet. I played some random character that died off screen but it was a good experience.
  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
    I started to bring a book with me everywhere. I would read in the car, or sometimes at restaurants before the food arrived. The book was usually a Harry Potter book, but I also read a lot of other fiction books.
  • Found My Favorite Book

    Found My Favorite Book
    In fifth grade I decided to try reading Harry Potter because my friend had told me years before that once I entered fifth grade I would like it. I ended up liking it a lot.
  • Improving My Writing and Reading Skills Further

    Improving My Writing and Reading Skills Further
    In my freshman year English class I learned so much about reading and writing. A lot of what we read was short stories, but I learned so much about understanding text and also about writing essays.