literacy education

  • 1700 BCE

    Creation of the Alphabet

    The Proto-Sinaitic was the first alphabet and was considered a writing system. It was developed in the Middle East and refined throughout time.
  • Anti-literacy Laws

    The Negro Act of 1740 prohibited the act of teaching slaves to read and write. This is important because it took essential skills away from an entire group of people which continues to have negative impacts today.
  • Louise Rosenblatts's Reader Response Theory

    Rosenblatt's theory depicted reading as a transaction between the reader and their experiences, and the text.
  • Invention of eBooks

    A digitized version of the Declaration of Independence became the first eBook. Micheal S. Hart launched this project.
  • Jeanne Chall

    Chall theorized that reading is learned through systematic instruction. There are 5 stages in which skills are developed and built upon.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    The goal of the ESSA is to prepare all students for their careers and promote equity for disadvantaged students.
  • Click for References