Literacy Autobiography

  • The Beginning of my Literary Journey

    The Beginning of my Literary Journey
    My literacy journey began with the book "What, When, and How" by Bob Strauss, which I remember reading under the guidance of my kindergarten teacher. I remember this book as it sparked my curiosity for science.
  • First Writting Experiences

    I vividly recall one of my first writing experince, being a small introduction to who I was to my teacher and classmates. I really struggled to come up with words to describe myself. I just wrote about my love for cats. My teacher was very disappointed.
  • My First Lines of Code

    One of my more loved memories is being in my first robotic class, in which I learned how to write an easy code language with Lego mindstorm. There I learned how to structure code.
  • Short Stories

    Short Stories
    One of my most cherished memories is from writing and drawing short stories as an assignment for an art class. I usually wrote silly stories about cats.
  • Learning English at Cambridge

    I had the opportunity to study English at Cambridge, where I gained confidence in expressing my ideas in a new language. However, I was exposed to British English, which differs from American English, thus making me commit many errors when I moved to the US.
  • Theatre Performances

    During middle school I was challenged to write many scripts for a project, combining diologue, and stage directions.
  • Learning Russian Language

    I became very interested in the Russian language due to many of my friends spoke Russian, so, I began learning how to read and write it, and while I cannot speak it in a proficient way, I can understand many words when reading. I was told my pronunciation is very bad.
  • Learning German

    During the pandemic, I became very bored, because of all of the free time I had. So I decided to learn German along with my sister. It is a very complicated language, for which I struggled alot.
  • Undergraduate Research Readings

    My literacy journey took a significant turn when I read my first complete academic study titled "Hopper Flows of Deformable Particles" (Yuxuan) during my internship at Yale's Quantitative Biology department. This introduced me to scientific literature, and reinforced my comprehension skills.
  • Highschool Summer Reading Assignments

    During vacations, I was assigned two books as part of my summer homework: Children of blood and Bone and Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi. I really enjoyed reading them, the story was very inmersive, however I have some mixed feelings with the story's plot twist.
  • Yale Physics 060 Class

    Recently I have joined Yale's physics class with Professor Charles Baltay, where we discuss and explore the universe's fundamental components. This class has many assigned readings. Recently, I readed "The Discovery of the Top Quark", which I see very interesting.