1930 1,500 refugees fled to Denmark
About 1,500 refugees fled to Denmark because no other country would take them in and take care of them. -
Period: to
World War II
1935 German Jews lose citizenship
German Jews lost citizenship, marriage between Jews and "citizens of German... blood" was forbidden. -
1938 l,000 Synagogues Burned
More than 1,000 synagogues were burned, 30,000 Jews arrested. -
1940 Denmark Surendered to Germany
Denmark knows that their army is very small compared to the German's army, so Denmark surrendered to Germany -
1940 Lise Dies
Lise dies 3 years before the book, "Number the Stars" starts, and is Annemarie's oldest sister. -
1940 German Abassador warned Superiors
German ambassador to Denmark warned his superiors in Berlin that it is too risky to go against the law in Denmark -
1942 Millions of Jews Killed
Millions of Jews killed in gas chambers and worked to death in concentration camps. -
1943 Number The Stars and War in Europe and Asia
The book, "Number the Stars" starts and a war Europe and parts of Asia arises. -
1943 Danish Resistance
Danish Resistance helped about 7,000 Jews escape the Nazis to Sweden. -
1943 Annemarie Runs
In the beginning of the book, "Number the Stars" Annemarie runs into a group of soldiers while racing with her friend Ellen -
1943 Danish King's New Bodygaurd
Annemarie would do whatever it takes to keep the Danish King safe. -
1943 Mrs. Hirsch Missing
The Johannsens and Rosens don't know why and where Mrs. Hirsch is. -
1943 Rosens in Danger
The Johannsens and Rosens realize that the Nazis are going to arrest all the Jews in Denmark. -
1943 Mrs. Johannsen Gets Hurt
Mrs. Johannsen trips over a root and thinks she sprained her ankle. -
1943 The Rosens get to Sweden Safely
The Rosens get to Sweden safely and are now free from the Nazis.