
Lisa's Life Events

  • Lisa's Opportunity to Get Ready: Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt

    Lisa's Opportunity to Get Ready: Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt
    Lisa (age 2-1/2 years) was asked by her parents what she wanted to wear for the day. She excitedly and successfully picked out her favorite outfit and dressed herself for the first time. Being given the opportunity helped build her independence and confidence of her abilities and decision making. In Erikson’s second stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt, the crisis is between gaining independence and faith in their abilities or a lack of self-confidence and uncertainty in their abilities
  • Lisa Decides her Future: Identity versus Identity Confusion

    Lisa Decides her Future:  Identity versus Identity Confusion
    Lisa asked if she could help prepare Thanksgiving dinner for her family. She found herself captivated with cooking. Realizing her passion and ability, at that moment she decided she wanted to become a professional chef. In Erikson’s fifth stage of identity versus identify confusion, the crisis is between understanding who you are and what they want to be or becoming unsure and unable to identify themselves.
  • Lisa Helps her Community: Generativity Versus Stagnation

    Lisa Helps her Community: Generativity Versus Stagnation
    Lisa decides she wants to use her skill to help those in need. She decides to open a community garden and prepare meals for food drives to help families that do not have access to healthy foods. In Erikson’s seventh stage of generativity versus stagnation, the crisis is between taking care of others and helping future generations or focusing on their self with little desire for being productive or assisting others.